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What is a random fact about yourself?

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Hope the fires are getting put out truckie. Stay safe.

Hi lifesighs...there are still some fires going, with the strong wind the fires are popping up very quickly

Your right Kooner...today we had 49c=123f...when you add humidity its nearly unbearable.

there is a cyclone off west australia, hopefully that will bring some rain....its nearly the wet season here, should be a lot of cyclones.

Hey everybody!  I heard from Eddie Dingo and he assures me that nobody's posts have been deleted. He said that he needs to know the who, what, when, where's of the disappearing posts so if there is a problem he can help resolve it. Maintenance occurs here on teebeedee in the wee small hrs of the morning and it may have something to do with it or not....we have to help figure this out, ok?  Any information you can share about the specifics of a disappearing post or thread will be of great help in resolving any of these issues.   Thank you all for any info :))

I am a lovable person




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