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As we head toward fall are you anticipating some good reads?  I'm next on the reserve list for Louise Penny's new book.  YAY!

Am currently trying to get through C. J. Box's stand alone THE HIGHWAY. I'm not enjoying the read as much as his Joe Pickett series.

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I'm on the library waiting list for Let It Burn; can't wait to get it, I love that series; has anyone in the group read the author's autobio.?  (I think maybe it's called I Want My Life Back.)  I'm wondering if I'd like it.

'Ello everyone!

I just spied a new book by a favourite author: Bob Shacochis - entitled "The Woman Who Lost Her Soul".  This is his first book in ten years, and by all reports it is stellar. I know the Caribbean  well, having had an office there and having worked within the various regions for many years.  It can be a dark, difficult and dangerous place and Bob has a justifiable reputation for knowing just how to depict the underbelly of the sun, sex, and rum islands.

If you would like to get to know this writer's work, I suggest "Easy In The Islands" ~ a series of stories that was published in '85 and which won him The American Book Award.

"The Woman Who Lost Her Soul" will be a treat I will save to purchase once some difficult issues are put paid. I can feel it in my bones that I'll be identifying with a protagonist or two.

Hit the book sale at Library - the way they have it set up - too much chaos - couldn't cope - besides they only had about 10 AudioBooks with obscure titles.  Did purchase a Doc Roizen Health book (Pal of Doc Oz)

Check out "Shades" in large print - seems wrong somehow  and a Max Lucado - I guess to balance the sin of the Shades experience. LOL  I'm very conflicted. <^..^> purrs~mlo 

Just finished THE HUSBAND'S SECRET by Liane Moriarty.  The story deals with three women living in Australia. Guess you could call this one chick lit but done well.  The story seems to ask if it is possible to really know one's spouse and ultimately ourselves.

Just started HOW THE LIGHT GETS IN by Louise Penny.  Am savoring this one!

Ready for me to pick up at library is Sue Grafton's W is for Wasted.  Requested this one in July! 

Lots of good reading to fill out September! 

We made our selections for next year at one of my clubs yesterday. They are -The Art of Hearing Heartbeats, The Art of Racing in The Rain,Astronaut Wives Club,Between Sisters,Dandelion Summer, Defending Jacob,End Of Life Book Club, The language of Flowers,Man who loved Books Too Much,The Stone Diaries, Tallgrass. Will select in my other book club next Weds.

Lynn.. Re: Shades....Old Folks...tee hee...I hear you and agree!

Eagle..."Defending Jacob" was one of my favorite books and I brought along the Audio for Danl and I to listen to around the Campfire. He was totally engrossed as well. So dang good...I could probably re-listen! Hum...maybe I check and see if Author has anything new coming out?

Ok ..so I saw a comment on "Never Look Back" /Lee Child/Jack Reacher somewhere? I'm about finished...like 2 disks to go.

I always liked Slopok's rating system...seemed like a safe way to convey interest in a book...be interested in his views.

I am picking up 4 new books tomorrow at Library...

Lynn..."Age is a number and mine is unlisted."~unknown wise person

Rounding 3rd and heading home....~mellowgal

I am taking a break from reading/watching "A Game of Thrones." I'm in the middle of the second book, "Clash of Kings" by George R. R. Martin.  (That's two R's like J. R. R. Tolkien.)  There are three published books to go and two yet to be written.  The companion HBO series makes this a great adventure. 

I am now reading "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green. http://www.amazon.com/The-Fault-Stars-John-Green/dp/0525478817  This "book of the year" is a heart wrenching story of juvenile cancer.  It hits home, as part of my training to be a health care professional was a day in a Juvenile Cancer Ward doing rounds with an oncologist.  I would have never happened upon it had I not just read "Looking for Alaska" by Green also.  This story dealt with teen age suicide. 

Maybe I need to read some less depressing books? 

I am reading  Brian Wiprud -  Stuffed - a funny crime story - if you need a good laugh.  He is a new author to me. Noted on the cover review by Steve Hamilton and Lee Child, so thought it was worthwhile.  Nice to have a break once in a while from murder and mayhem.  Also reading Michael Connelly's - Scarecrow just to keep the crime going. LOL

Carolyn I always say I am in the fall of my life and I really have always loved autumn, so could not be happier at this age. LOL again.

I'm reading Cyberstorm by Matthew Mather. It's another "end of life as we know it" kind of book, but it has been a pretty good read, I'm almost done with it.Downloaded a cheapy ($.99)  this morning The Devil On Chardonnay  by Ed Baldwin, the review sounded  good but we'll see.

Finished Tamarack County, #13 in the Alex McKnight series ...  another good one by my favorite author, William Kent Krueger.  A little mystery, mayhem, morals and a touch of Indian mysticism thrown in for good measure. Best to start this series at the beginning as there is a background story that develops and continues throughout the series.


Just starting The Company You Keep, which was recommended by someone here.  This has a lot of anti-Vietnam war stuff in it and I was busy raising kids at that time so didn't follow all the demonstrations going on then.  Don't know how long I'll last... so far not too interesting to me...  but, then again, maybe I'll learn something.

Just finished Stranded by Alex Kava, a Maggie O'Dell novel, which I enjoyed.

Grammyk...meant to say "Glad to see you!" Sound very bizzy?

Mandy...well you are the master and commander of Game of Thrones...it started out quite witty and I thought I could grasp...but alas...the content was over my head...or couldn't wrap my mind around the theme.

Tamarack County...how did I miss that one?

Feast or famine on books of late...I'm in dire straights this weekend? OY!




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