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As we head toward fall are you anticipating some good reads?  I'm next on the reserve list for Louise Penny's new book.  YAY!

Am currently trying to get through C. J. Box's stand alone THE HIGHWAY. I'm not enjoying the read as much as his Joe Pickett series.

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Never go back : a Jack Reacher novel  was shipped to me today so should be able to pick it up a library tomorrow. Once it arrives will say adieu to Youngblood Hawke while I become a Reacher Creature for awhile!

I picked up the new Louise Penny book today at the library. I am trying to read it slowly because I am really enjoying it

Just finished the second of a great series of forensic books written by the director of the "Body Farm" at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville.  If you really want to learn of the work done there, you don't have to take the course depicted in this article but can enjoy tense drama as both stories are complex and have plenty of regional history.  http://web.utk.edu/~fac/

The two novels are:  "Flesh and Bone" and "Carved in Bone" by Jefferson Bass.  Both are available on Kindle.  This is the real stuff, not the Patricia Cornwell baloney. 

I am now in the midst of a Michael Connelly, Harry Bosch, "The Drop" which means being placed on the delayed retirement option, as he chases some weirdos in LA.  He's got a pedophile and a suicide on his plate in this one.  

Just finished Children of the Fog yesterday. If you enjoy serial killers of 6 yr. olds this is the book for you.  NOT recommended!

I have started my first Hiaasen book, Sick Puppy, and am enjoying it immensely. :)

Fortunately there are many more by him that I will be reading soon.

Hiaasen is a denizen of Miami, FL, where he has had a regular column for years. It was reprinted in my local paper, when I was still reading the daily Tampa Tribune.   If you are a Florida resident (I am for half a year), you will love his humorous stories of the "bad actors" who operate in the state.  His classic is "Strip Tease" which was made into a movie:  http://www.amazon.com/Strip-Tease-Carl-Hiaasen/dp/0446600660  I haven't read his latest but I have always found time for his books over the years. 

Just finished,Looking For Alaska by John Green. Good book, 4.5 stars on Amz...I gave it 4..Thought provoking in a few places'

The book looked interesting, so I added it to my Kindle.  I got some kind of a credit, where Amazon will sell me a "Youth Book" for $1. Most of the books are about vampires, so I passed. 

RAPA - I'm #28 out of 35 on the Audio Book hold list for Never Go Back. (Lee Child)

Mandy/Flower - Harry Bosch - I made a really long list of his stuff - what I had read...had not read...had on hand that my DH (Dan'l) had read - now, drat! since the move can't find the dang list.  But I will in time - like when I'm looking for the Tax info for 2013.

Carci - Carl Hiasson - to me - he is an "acquired taste" author - I love him but thinking many won't relate since it is so Florida centered.  Do think he refers to New York a bunch.  My favorite book had a character that was either the Governor or Attorney General of the state who decided to live on "road kill."  How could somebody think of that?

Rapa/Ripley - CJ BOX/Joe Pickett - now, I love this series.  Actually - anything with outdoors, survival, law enforcement with a combined understanding about men's weaknesses.  Box nails it.  

In the meantime I'm listening to Inferno - to go to sleep - and it is very helpful with that.  Lots of history about Italian Art/Artists, obviously pertaining to um, er, uh...Dante`s Inferno?  Well, I just hopped over to Wiki on this so maybe it can help me understand what the"H" the thing is about - and I'm 1/3 way thru?    

Love all the action around here lately!!!  <^..^> Fostering Mother-in-Law's Maine Coon cat - I named it Samson since he doesn't like to be shaved/hair cut.

email from library... have The Highway by CJ Box and Let It Burn by Steve Hamilton waiting for me with Tamarack County by William Kent Krueger on the way so I had to freeze my request for How The Light Gets In and Never Go Back.

Even I can't read 5 books in one week...  lol

and I'm loving my first Hiaasen book... Sick Puppy... so nice to have something good to read at 3AM when I can't fall back to sleep.

RAPA ...just starting "Ghosts of Manhattan" tonight.

This week a few non-fiction quickie efforts:

"The Big Disconnect" Protecting childhood and family relationships in the digital age. Why to read since my kids are grown? HA! Check it out...so many articles in Newspapers, blogs, magazines about people feeling so robbed of their vacation time! Yes, I got the smartphone, iPad, blah, blah...still work, still have clients in an Industry that is all about deadlines...promotional materials MUST get to stores on time! After all if a Father's Day banner arrives the Monday after? Who gets paid? Nobody! BUT...one step away from addiction? Who knew?

Still, I am so thankful that we "boondock" which is camping in Mountains with NO phone or connecting services. No campgrounds with wifi, water, elect, blah,blah! Just the Deep Woods and nature in the raw.

So of course also on my reading table is Bear Grylls, "A Survival Guide for Life" ...too bad it is for 21 year olds...back to Library tomorrow.

Next is "Freakonomics" ****now how I missed this one in past few years? YOWZA...every American should read this book!

For fun? Some Adrian McGinty "Falling Glass" (did I ever mention I love Irish writers?) and an Author I haven't listen in few years...Joseph Wambaugh..."Harbor Nocturne"

Beautiful day in the 'hood. Punched out at 2:30...so fire me...HA!~mlo

Started "Looking for Alaska" by John Green.  It has me hooked as prep school students deal with their demons.  I didn't realize that this was the author of the huge best seller, "The Fault in our Stars," so I downloaded that one too and may read it after.  http://johngreenbooks.com/the-fault-in-our-stars/

"Looking For Alaska" did not disappoint.  It was a heart wrenching examination of teenage suicide. It had me flying through the final pages to find an answer.  I had a couple of college classmates commit suicide while I was attending and my daughter had a best friend do the same in high school.  Were they looking for a "way out of the labyrinth?"  The story delves into this issue. http://www.amazon.com/Looking-Alaska-John-Green/dp/0142402516/ref=s...




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