TBD on Ning

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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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     I will begin with...

  ~  computer 

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(Very clever! ;> ))

Westerly winds, Westerly R.I., The Westerly Sun, Westerly Yachts

Cap: lace-fall cap, Bed Cap (airport guy), cap fun, Cap-ee-tall

Hubric Ratio (media)

baseball cap, Red Cap, cap gun, Capital Public Radio

Gown: crap and gown, whitegown, bedding gown, glistening gown

(Nice ones)

Cap and gown, nightgown, wedding gown, christening gown

Garage: garage floor, garage tale, too-far garage, a matched gara

garage door, garage sale, 2-car garage, attached garage (Also nice ones!)

Car: car-sport, biddy car, car-boon, hocks-car 

(Also, nice)

carport,  city car, cartoon, boxcar

Signs: morning sign, field sign, bop sign,  sign of the toss

(I was going for "kiddy car." :>) )

warning sign, yield sign, stop sign, sign of the cross (loved these too!)

Traffic: traffic whine, traffic stop (a person in blue), flush dour traffic, humper to humper traffic

traffic sign, traffic cop, rush hour (loved flush dour), bumper to bumper

Pairs: Coral and Tardy,  halt and leper, Tartan and Bluest,  dead and udder

Laurel & Hardy, salt & pepper, Martin & Lewis (that took me a minute), bread & butter (haha!)

More pairs: wheeze & frackers, silk & wookiees, Frump & Dense, Moe & Pamela

(These were really good and funny)

cheese and crackers,  milk and cookies, Trump and Pence ( haha), Joe and Kamala

Tableware: tatter, sinner traits, pups and paupers, loop soles 

platter, dinner plates (haha!), cups and saucers (love these too!), soup bowls

More tableware: wife and pork, handle-dicks, rap-sins, halt and stepper makers 

Knife and fork, candle sticks, salt and pepper shakers

Talk: talk is bleep, curl talk, willow talk, talking beds 

talk is cheap, girl talk, pillow talk, talking heads (great ones)

More talk: rack talk, hex talk, talk ho, Toffee Talk (SNL skit)




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