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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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     I will begin with...

  ~  computer 

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redhead, Red Lobster (haha!), red-handed, Sardinian Red Fox         

Blue: bluehells; Fed, Trite, and Blue; blue skies; blue mud 

bluebells, Red white and blue, blue eyes, blue bud

Earth: torched earth, Other Earth,  earthflakes,  earthflings 

(Hahahahaha! I was going for blue blood, but I should have thought of blue bud first!)

scorched earth, Mother Earth, earthquakes, earthlings

Sky: skydark, fear moo sky, the sky's the stimate, sty din the sky, 

skylark, clear blue sky, the sky's the limit, pie in the sky 

More sky: Sky Ring (old TV series), Duke Skygawker, sky thriving, sky sigh

Sky King, Luke Skywalker (HAHAHA!), sky diving, sky high

Fire: fire stalker, fire in moor cart, Fire and Pain (song title), firetweed 

fire walker, fire in your heart, Fire and Rain, fireweed

More fire: Firebone Pyres,  fireclerks, fire-wreathing, firespace 

Firestone Tires, fireworks, fire-breathing, fireplace

Dragon: dragon flute, Dragonhiders of Spurn (Fantasy book series title), Taint Forge and the dragon, dragon death 

dragon root, Dragonriders of Vern, St. George and the dragon, dragon breath

Wind (rhymes with pinned): wind times, The Wind and the Pillows. Wind Irvine (moves it around)

(Dragonriders of Pern)

wind chimes, The Wind In the Willows, wind turbine  (Good ones!)

Sun: sunbrine, sunpower, a sunny style, sunmess

sunshine, sunshower, sunny smile, sundress 

Ground: ground fall, con squalid ground,  Groundlog Pay, ground leaf 

ground squall, on solid ground, Groundhog Day, ground beef

Basket: basket sleeve, foot all your legs in fun basket, baskethall, basket face

basket weave, ...all your eggs in one basket, basketball, basket case

Old: Old Gravy,  old-tool,The Old Card, old-rationed




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