TBD on Ning

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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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     I will begin with...

  ~  computer 

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Oh, wait:  "Invaders" (slaps forehead)

Haha! If I slapped my forehead every time I was momentarily befuddled, I'd have a permanent concussion.

And a little child shall lead them.

More bible: Wet defense, Leighton.

I'm stumped. Old or New Testament

penitence? Satan?

(I can't think of one of my own)

Sorry, Westerly! It's Matthew 4:10  "Get thee hence, Satan... " ("for it is written, thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve.") It was sort of an in-joke in my world, so I guess I projected that familiarity onto the world at large. I was brought up Church of England and we used the King James bible and quoted that passage more. I think Baptists, etc., refer more often to Matthew 16:23 "Get thee behind me, Satan..."  The funny thing is, I'm an atheist and my mom was a pagan. Hahaha!

So: "Wet me rebind me, Leighton"

(Ah, thank you.I myself was not raised up in a church by my parents, but I started reading the Bible in college, and did enjoy the lyrical language of the King James)

weathers: bold, brainy, Cindy, howdy, beer, money

cold, rainy, windy, cloudy, clear, sunny (LOVED those rhymes!)

More weather: buggy, wry, Brigid, clover-classed, fartly funny, doggy

muggy,dry, frigid, overcast, partly sunny, foggy

awesome: the rest and the rightest

the best and the brightest

to snub someone: live the old told-her

give the cold shoulder

March 17th:  Innis trout, horned leaf and baggage, parrots, bunions and dead tomatoes

Guinness Stout, corned beef and cabbage, carrots, onions, and red potatoes  (Good one! And--parrots and bunions--I may never be able to eat it again!  Haha!)

copy-catting your topic again: Feint Hat-trick, virus carp, gripes, leper-john, clot-o-mold

St. Patrick, Irish harp, pipes, leprechaun, pot 0' gold

(good one and funny. Don't forget the stylish coda red)

March 15:  See there, the Tides of Starch




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