TBD on Ning

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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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     I will begin with...

  ~  computer 

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Make Believe, Thrill(?), and Can't stop loving that man of mine"

a fool - a humbling etiquette

Almost! :>)   "Bill"

a bumbling idiot

More fools: poor-don, dimple-bun, bath-mitt  

moron, simpleton, half-wit

It was the test of mimes, it was the thirst of mimes

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

Another famous first line: "Maul the fish-whale."

These are hard, and therefore optional :>) : "The dreaming bums across the sty." (Pynchon) and "Grit was a treasure to earn." (Bradbury)

"Call me Ishmael"  "It was a pleasure to learn"

"I'll have won for my lady, and won four for the toad"

:>) "It was a pleasure to burn"--Fahrenheit 451; and "A screaming comes across the sky."--Gravity's Rainbow

I'll have one for my baby, and one more for the road." (That's one lucky toad.)

One's eternal love: troll bait

:^ } soul mate

the weather: done squandered the rent cupidity

HAHAHA! I have absolutely NO idea. I know the last word is "humidity," and the first word may be "sun." I'm pathetic. ツ

1950s TV shows: "Why Shove Susie,"  "Saggin' Brain," "Famous and Dandy"

(Oh, it's one hundred percent humidity; probably not a very good rhyme)

yours- I Love Lucy, Naggin' Pain?(just kidding), and Amos and Andy

old radio shows:  Fun-joke, Dour Bliss Hooks, The Dadd-o

Oh, wait, I just got it. Wagon train. 

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!  Nope--good rhyme, bad brain. :>)

Gunsmoke, Our Miss Brooks (I loved that show), The Shadow

More of the same: High Swing, The Bad Dentures of Gauzy and Bury It, The Haint

Sky King, The Adventure of  Ozzie and Harriet (Bad dentures, that's funny), The saint

Spring:  dappled possums, train,bobbins, pool-lips




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