TBD on Ning

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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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     I will begin with...

  ~  computer 

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bats, cave paintings, a pool, crystals 

Things you might find in a school building: dockers, cooks, prudence, light sword

lockers, books, students, white board

Things you might find in a college classroom: sodium, confessor, commuters, flower-joint predication

podium, professors, computers, power point presentation 

Things you may encounter on a walk through fields and woods: modes, cakes, freeze, tippling dreams

toads, lakes, trees, rippling streams

More things you may encounter on a walk through fields and woods: bowers, fear, boss (plant), babbitts 

flowers, deer,  moss, rabbits 

Holiday foods: torn leaf a nd baggage,  keg of jam, mirth-ray flake, toast  murky and puffing


corned beef and cabbage, leg of lamb, birthday cake, roast turkey and stuffing

More holiday foods: flaked spam, coast leaf and Pork-fur hooding (English), brute-make, rack-dried bees and lice (Southern New Year dish)

baked ham, roast beef and Yorkshire puddin, fruit bake, black eyed peas and rice

Food for sick people  ; Mell-O, near moth, manilla hooding, hinger pail ( beverage)

jello, clear broth, vanilla pudding, ginger ale

Things in a sick person's room (maybe): a hottie snare, a real-hare, a boss-spittle dead, bed-o-sin

Potty chair, wheelchair, hospital bed, medicine 

Medicine cabinet: bane-tiller, rantplacid, sandages, pass belief

painkiller, antacid, bandages, gas relief or ass relief ?? (hahaha!)

Things on a bedside table: damp, mock, crook, hell bone

(I was going for the gas. Lol)

Lamp.clock, book, cell phone )

Vanity; mush. Loam, dipstick, musher


brush, comb, lipstick, blusher

Dining table: able sloth, handle-picks, bower estrangement, face-pats  




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