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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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     I will begin with...

  ~  computer 

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Richy Rich, rich heritage,  rich food, rich bitch

Poor: poor-toy (food), a poor reduce, poor perculation, poor fudge-mint 

poorboy, a poor excuse, poor circulation, poor judgment (Good ones!)

More poor: poormouse, hurt poor, sin poor waste, a poor fecund

poorhouse, dirt poor, in poor taste, poor second?

Pop: Tom & Pop; Pop-buy; pop, close the easel; pop cusick

Mom & Pop, Popeye, pop goes the weasel, pop music

More pop: pop-tickle, pop-porn, pop-czar, pop-wide

popsicle, popcorn, pop star, popeyed 

Snap: snap revision, Snapfat,  snap-non, lingers snapping

snap decision, Snapchat, snap-on, fingers snapping

More snap: injuresnaps, "Joe, snap!" (a modern expression), snap fudge-sent, snap blue invention

gingersnaps, ?, snap judgement, snap to attention

Chalk: chalkwine, chalkpoured, chalk bit pup, snidetalk chalk

("Oh, snap!")

chalk line, chalkboard, chalk it up, sidewalk chalk (lol)

Pencil: pencil space, lumber blue pencil, tyrannical pencil, pencil thick (an insult)

pencil case. Number 2 pencil, mechanical pencil, pencil neck

Irish: Irish sighs, Irish mace, Irish saucy (cup), Irish roofbound (critter)

("pencil dick"--even worse than "neck"  LOL)

Irish eyes, Irish lace, Irish coffee, Irish wolfhound 

More Irish: Irish floss, Irish risky, Irish load-a dead, Irish farrier

Irish moss. Irish whiskey, Irish soda bread,  Irish terrier

Watch: twist watch, slack watch dad, third watchers, drop watch

wrist watch, black watch plaid, bird watchers, stop watch

More watch: watchpower, locket watch, "a watched bot ever oils" (saying), singe watch




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