TBD on Ning

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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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     I will begin with...

  ~  computer 

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stone cold dead, cast in stone, cast the first stone, Blarney Stone

Light: light crow, lights pout! (An order), light neighbor weapon)

light show (glow, flow, or snow), Lights out!, light saber

Dark: dark far (astronomical), Tart of Darkness (novel), a dark course, a pot in the dark 

Dark star, Heart of Darkness, dark horse, shot in the dark.

Jump: jumptoot, jump cart, jumplope, jumper tables 

jumpsuit, jump start, jump rope, jumper cables

More jump: Jumpin' Smack Smash (song), free jump, Ronny Jump-pup (flower), why jump (sport)  

Jumpin' Jack Flash, ski jimp, Johnny jump ups, high jump 

Drink: fodder, spruce, silk, pine

water, juice, milk, wine (good ones)

More drinks: toffee, pea, near, coughed drinks

coffee, tea, beer, soft drinks (funny)

Mountains: Scalps, The Work-hires, Splatspills, Mt. Svengali

Alps, The Berkshires, Catskills, Mt. Denali

Oceans/Seas: Specific Ocean, Fanatic Ocean, Fourth Sea, Faring Sea

(Good ones)

Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, North Sea, Bering Sea

Print: bout of print, print stop,  line print, rolled print

out of print, print shop, fine print, bold print (All nice!)

More print: bluesprint, power print (fabric), green print (art), lingerprints

newsprint, flower print, screen print, fingerprint

  • Pot: lock pot ( one of 2), pot rye, bower pot, pot slickers

crock pot, pot pie, flower pot, pot stickers (these were fun)

More pot: pot downy, pot pot (Chinese food), potted feet, smelting pot




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