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turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, saying grace  YUM!

More Thanksgiving: smashed tomatoes, somethin' high, dapple sigh, navy

mashed potatoes ,pumpkin pie, Apple pie, gravy

Seen today: Tracy's charade, putfall , slack Tidy pails

Macy's parade, football, black Friday sales (almost didn't get that on--lol)

What's coming starting today: Bris-mass hopping (this one even makes me laugh), Blissed-bass declarations, Miscast too-sick, Hanks-shivving pails

Xmas - shopping, decorations, music, thanksgiving sales

Fall/s: Viagra Falls, fall follerage, ball fall round

Niagara Falls (lol), Fall foliage, all fall down

Winter: Winter-her (a place), A Winter/Fling carriage, Winter in my cart (emotion), Winter Kong (Sara Bareilles)

Winterger, winter/spring marriage, w in my heart, Winter Song

Day-after meals: best-clovers, blandkitches, murky boodle sloop

(Winter-her=Winterthur  Just FYI, Winterthur is a gorgeous 1,000-acre estate in Delaware and is considered the premier museum of American decorative arts. I know Winterthur for its magnificent 60-acre natural garden which is considered one of the nation’s great gardens.)

leftovers, sandwiches, turkey noodle soup  (all yum!)

More day-after meals: lurky mash, herky slurry (East Indian), jerky pass-the-roll, tomato lakes

Turkey hash, t. Curry, t. Casserole, potato cakes

Lack: lackaphasical, lackbuster, Lackrand afb, lack-a-may! (Old expression of regret).

lackadaisical, lackluster, Lackland AFB, lackaday 

Bomb: bomb-plastic, deaf bomb (expletive), bomb-a-fear, Bomb Bomb-a-hill (character in the LOTR trilogy)

bombastic, f-bomb, bombadier, Tom-tom-a-gill? (Sorry, not familiar with).

bi - : bi-solar, bi-kettle (locomotion), bi- trekked, bi-bleakly

(You got very close ツ...it's Tom Bombadil)

bipolar, bipedal, bisect, biweekly

Tri-: tri-fickle, tri-specked-a (racing), tri-horn (headgear), tri-bangle

tricycle, Trifecta, tricorn, triangle

Heart: heart-melt, heart berm, hearts and towers, heart-mopping




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