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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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     I will begin with...

  ~  computer 

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L Train, brotherly, eternal, handle

Government: Consecutive,  Vegetative, Ludicial

Executive, Legislative, Judicial

Horror authors: Moe, Glove-shaft, Stroker, Belly

Poe, Lovecraft. Stoker, Shelley

The 4th: tags, charades,  tire-jerks, peaches 

flags, parades, fireworks, beaches

More 4th: far-be-you, handstands, ford-talks, punting

Bar-be-cue, banstands, boardwalks, hunting

Royals: things, temperers, rinses, jukes

(Hahaha!  "punting" = "bunting")

kings, emperors, princes, dukes

More Royals: screens, grin-stresses, fawn-sports, temptresses

Queens, princesses, consorts, expressed

Summertime: play-stations, tar-be-news,slimming, space-mall

("temptresses"= "empresses")

vacations, barbecues, swimming, baseball

Bad things about summer: beat-bloke, bus-cheetos, boys-on high-sea, unlearn

I put that. I'm afraid auto correct strikes again.ill be more careful before I send. 

Heat stroke, mosquitoes, poison ivy (funny rhyme), sunburn

Cup(s): mustard c, toffee c, tie c, stutter-c

custard cups, coffee cup, eye cup, buttercup

Pitcher: p rant, race-doll p, p of yemen-made, nerving p 

P plant, baseball p, lemonade  serving p

Shoes: stumps, rigs, fling-tacks, crappy candles

pumps, ?, sling-backs, strappy sandals (hahaha)

rain gear: Back-bin-slosh, mall-sloshes, yum-fella, pain honcho




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