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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
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Here's the song :>) 

Johnstown, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Wilkes-Barre 

Modes of transportation (ancient and modern): ferry-yacht, fuss, brain, began hair

(Song is very cute, but weird. Thanks)

Chariot, bus, train, sedan chair

Class --- : --- broom, --- strictures, --- fraction craw shoot

(Yeah, weird for sure! It has a lot of fans. They play it all season long on the radio where I live. I live in Weirdville. ツ)

classroom, class pictures, class action lawsuit

Words with "love" in them:  glove-stick, shove-mess, dove-shorn, glovin'-he (a big mess)

Love-sick, love-nest, love-lorn, lover-ly

Shakespeare: Ring Dear, Naming the Two, As You Slice It

(That last one was "slovenly" but "loverly works!)

King Lear, Taming of the Shrew, As You Like It

More Shakespeare: Cram- bet, Bid-dumber Fights Scream, Fur-slant of When-hiss 

Hamlet, Mid-summer's Night Dream, Merchant of Venice

"Every time a smell stings, a ranger gets his slings."

Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.

Christmas movies:  "Hit's a Blunder-full Wife," "Beer-a-cull On Flirty-Forth Pleat," "The Dish-up's Knife" (this one's a bit less well-known, but it's my favorite).

"It's a Wonderful life ," "Miracle on 34th Street," "The Bishop s Life"

Saying from a Christmas movie: "Todd press us, every rung"

( Here's a link to The Bishop's Wife in case you haven't seen it. It's a wonderful, magical movie, I think. It's about love, loss, growth, and the true meaning of Christmas. It is nearly impossible to find online for free, so this copy has some pesky commercials scattered throughout--but they're short. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2chnjx  ) 

"God bless us, every one."

Silly Christmas songs: " Fanta Maybe,"  "I Claw Bama Missing Fanta Paws,"  "Bland-paw Bought Fun Clover by a Plane-dear" ( a "country" song)

(Oh, thank you).

Santa Baby, I Saw Mama Kissing Santa Claus,  Grandpa got run over by a Reindeer, 

Another movie: "You'll boot your guy out. "

Wow! I have zero idea. ツ Sorry.

Things you need for wrapping gifts: rapping raper, gibbon, nape, rift hags 

(You'll shoot your eye out, concerning the bb gun in A Christmas Story)

Wrapping paper,ribbon, tape, gift tags.

Drawing:  --- a tank, --- profusions,--- lies 




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