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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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  ~  computer 

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cider, coffee, chamomile tea, beer skim milk

ways of saying really slow - trawling, sagging, hokey, thuggish

crawling, lagging, pokey, sluggish

ways of saying "really fast": fallen mass, bubble mime, in a blue cork linnet, fun bit      

haulin' ass, double time, in a New York minute, gun it

really happy:  tearful, very, benighted, boyish

cheerful, merry, delighted, joyous

really sad:  breast-maulin', respondent, mess-pairing, obi-wan 

crest-fallen , despondent, despairing, woe-begone

sad, again:  done snappy,relieved, roomy, powerful

unhappy, bereaved, gloomy, sorrowful

sexual positions (I'm a bad girl): titian-fairy, soggy smile, misty-wine, prow-swirl

(love that titian fairy.)

missionary, doggy-style, twisty vine, cowgirl

collars:  pandoran, brew-tech, t-wreck, botched, doff the boulder

Haha! It was "69," but twisty vine works perfectly in my lexicon. ツ

mandarin, crew-neck, v-neck, notched, off the shoulder

men's trousers: bat-hunt, tweeted, buffed, bait keg, vapored peg  

flat front, pleated, cuffed, straight leg, tapered leg

Martins - Tort, Teen, Two-fer Ring, Beeman

Short, SheenLuther King, Freeman

types of beans: raked, sydney, screen, crack, de-dried, far-see-you

baked, kidney, green, black, re-fried

Christophers - Alum bus, Drummer, Balkan, Bobbin

(the last bean was "barbeque," but that's not really a California thang)

Columbus (the unfortunate Italian also-ran), Plummer(love him), Walken (great dancer), Robin (want to eat him up) :>)

National Parks--Jello-bone, Never-blades, Oh-golly, Nice Banyon, Annoy-ya 




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