TBD on Ning

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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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     I will begin with...

  ~  computer 

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                         The Lord God made them all.

rack and pinion

A.A. Milne:  Ginny the Blue and the Flustery Way

Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day

he beats his chest:  bing bong

king kong

patriotic song from 1939:  Cher Will Always Be a Ningfund

there will always be an England

country music, fast and furious:   Fueling Tangoes

dueling banjos

movie effects that make the monsters more real:  PCY


scorched earth from Atlanta to Savannah:  Herman's arch to the tree

sherman's march to the sea

still doing concerts, Vegas, and TV:  See-On (but without Delponts)

Dion (and the Belmonts)

he had a few:   the great lives of Kenny the wraith

the eight wives of Henry the Eighth

outdated or retro household tool that hangs on a line and holds grabbers:  slows-bin wag

clothespin bag  (that was tricky)

count to ten, before proceeding:  Avenger's  a disc, ever-beaten gold

adventure's a risk???  never be too bold???

inventions for the desk with no computer:  flywriters and light-out

(I messed up on that one. Should be revenge is a dish better served cold. But I thought it was better eaten cold. So, not so good)

typewriters and white-out (I remember those0

Don't go there:  a fridge to bar




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