TBD on Ning

Here's the deal...I do a great deal on wondering about stuff.  Sometimes I actually wonder about myself and why I do the things I do....like:

Procrastinate the hell out of paying bills.

Wait till I'm beyond hungry to cook supper and then don't really want to eat it.

Dread hearing from my youngest son...who has bi-polar disorder, btw.

Dream about my ex more now than I  did for the 30yrs we were together.

Take some of the stupid superfluous personalities on line seriously.

Prefer the company of my kitties to forging friendships with real people in my real everyday life.

Work in the medical field yet am a terrible patient.

Tags: billmeperpaypal, havenoinsuranceandcan'taffordashrink, iseeyouandyouseeme, youguys'lldo

Views: 55

Replies to This Discussion

Did you ENJOY it?

If you did, then you're a filthy liberal and should be ashamed.

If you're already ashamed, then you're a repugnican. Especially if you secretly brag about it, while pretending to be ashamed.
SEX??? What is that? Oh, I think I vaguely remember learning about that at church.
I DID enjoy it and am not ashamed.....the voting thing is another matter.....THAT I might have to become a catholic and go to confession to reconcile...
Reply by PA 12 hours ago
I'll start. Don't you think congress should repeal the assine "don't ask don't tell" law? After all only the extreme right wing and religious nut cases still believe it is a good idea.

Our stupidity as a nation never ceases to amaze me.

I can't understand prejudice based on sexual orientation anymore than I can understand it based on skin color.
The only people I have a prejudice against are those who want to harm me and I find hateful people to be harmful people.
Reply by Bob Stepp 1 day ago
We can never be sure about that cause one can choose not to be included in the "chat list" by changing privacy settings. So, there may be some lurkers out there just waiting to jump in the water. No, wait ....there's no water here, sorry.

But, if they don't post how do we know they're here?
And, how do we engage in a running banter if they don't post?
And, why do they lurk, but not post?
Lurkers may type invisible. I wonder, why does Bob seem so fascinated with water?? LOL!
LOL - A lurkers answer - it's invisible (try highlighting it)
Aren't you the clever one...hahahaha

To answer your question, I think because his state has so little. He needs to move to the fertile Northeast part of the country...
I'm really not that fascinated with water myself, but some are.
Well I will say that you definitely have both of your feet firmly planted on the ground.
But, water is wonderful..good for lots of things....not so much a living space...fresh air is limited.




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