TBD on Ning

Ready for a new one? May we try something different? I have been tripping of late through my old tunes and find many memories stirred through the process. They are coming out in my haikus. Loose rules here except for the 5-7-5 standard. Write a haiku about your favorite tune, capture favorite lines from your song, write about your favorite songwriter or however you choose to do it. You can tell what the song is if you like or have your friends guess. Let's have some fun here and bring back some of our favorite tunes. Might be a way of honoring our "heroes" of younger years. Below are a couple of haikus from our prior discussions as examples:

I talk to the wind
time to say goodbye my dear
the wind does not hear

(by Scott Williamson in 'Goodbye and Wind')

OR -

c'mon and touch me
can't you see I'm not afraid
c'mon touch me babe

Tags: haiku, lyrics, memories, song

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your dreams are drowning
but you can change the outcome

To my Great Love, who always showers the love.

shower the people
show them the love in your heart
things will be better

Staple Singers 1972--gives me chills. I sent this to Draughn and we grooved. :>)

if you disrespect
everyone you run into
who will respect you?

if you walk around
thinking that the world owes you
you better act right

don't fool with ladies
and think it makes you a man
just respect yourself

You sang this to me over Skype. I wrote this in a note later:

Listening as you sang "Never Die Young" today made me realize that we would have been that couple had we met as kids. Inseparable. Flying high. So in love. Impervious to the ugliness of the world. Razzed as being "a little too sweet" by those who envied us--but we wouldn't care.

Never growing old...

And in the end, rising together, golden light surrounding us, and sailing on "to another land beneath another sky."

We are that couple now.

let other dreams end
we're true love written in stone
we'll never grow old

the dust may claim us
but we will sail on and on
to a brighter land

dearest valentine
you make me smile with my heart
stay valentine stay

Wow--Nostalgiaville. 1970--great year. CSNY--great band and the sound of my generation.

why am i alone
i'm weary of the torment
can there be no peace

From one of our notes:

"You're holding me in your arms as we dance in the street outside a little club in Paris. You're singing this to me as we sway, swirl, and dip. The moonlight glimmers off the cobblestones.

We laugh quietly, then you pull me very close and kiss me.

A young couple nearby sigh with one breath, 'Quel beau couple! Tellement en amour!!'

I look up into your deep sea eyes and time stands still..."

the way your smile beamed
the way we danced until three
can't take that away

the sound of your voice
the way your love filled my soul
can't take that away

you haunt every dream
you've changed my life forever
can't take that away

My dad used to sing along with this, and when it hit the jazzy part he'd sweep me up and dance as he sang. He had a fabulous dip in his step which was so characteristic of his exuberance. I love and miss you, Daddy.

crazy isn't it
we hurt the one we love most
out of our own fear

I'd forgotten about this wonderful Swedish actress and singer until today. 

where has the time gone
too many words unspoken
oh well--we'll catch up

it's time for parting
too many embraces lost 
oh well--we'll catch up

Do you remember singing this to me? You had all the moves. Sooooooooo sexy. <3 <3 <3

girl my mind's on you
you're the key to happiness
can't get next to you

i love all your charms
i want my arms about you
embraceable you

Dancing in your arms, Darling.

I ran across a note tonight in which you said you'd gotten this song stuck in your head on a trip to Paulding and that it made you think in a lighthearted way of how sexy I was and of all the ways I "dress(ed) you up in my love." First I smiled, then I cried and smiled. :>) I love you and miss you so.

girls say you have style
i've got something that you like
dress you in my love




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