TBD on Ning

Ready for a new one? May we try something different? I have been tripping of late through my old tunes and find many memories stirred through the process. They are coming out in my haikus. Loose rules here except for the 5-7-5 standard. Write a haiku about your favorite tune, capture favorite lines from your song, write about your favorite songwriter or however you choose to do it. You can tell what the song is if you like or have your friends guess. Let's have some fun here and bring back some of our favorite tunes. Might be a way of honoring our "heroes" of younger years. Below are a couple of haikus from our prior discussions as examples:

I talk to the wind
time to say goodbye my dear
the wind does not hear

(by Scott Williamson in 'Goodbye and Wind')

OR -

c'mon and touch me
can't you see I'm not afraid
c'mon touch me babe

Tags: haiku, lyrics, memories, song

Views: 1391

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ease my worried mind

i need to call my old time

now i cry, just cry



there are things i know
but the facts are filtered through
the ways i want you

stars look down and laugh...
don't have to tell them life's hard
one is falling now

no one's beside me
i can talk about it to
the ways i want you

today i'm your jewel
tomorrow your albatross
why can't you love me

He once sang to us

said  roll over beethoven

may he rest in peace

<iframe width="475" height="267" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/kT3kCVFFLNg?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

pithy pioneer
the soundtrack of his life played
in rhythm and blues

RIP Mr. Berry.

headed for this plight...
then saved by my beloved
in the nick of time

how can i know why
nothing makes sense to my heart
i'm here...where are you

i'm clinging to clouds
too misty and too in love
i'm lost without you

When I sent this song to Draughn once, he responded, "Mmmmmmmmmmmm, My Beautiful Love ~ The song of you plays in my heart." 

I miss you so, Draughn, My Soul.

been waiting so long...
i'll stay with you darling now
'til my seas dry up

Of course I think of Draughn when I hear this. I think of Draughn when I hear any song that's about love or passion or eternity or soulmates or courage or sacrifice. 

I just saw a documentary on Ginger Baker that I enjoyed...here's the link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7h8CqYXEx0 

you are the reason
i've been waiting all these years
please find your way home




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