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Sadly I haven't opened a book in a week as have been traveling! Had a blast at my 60th high school reunion! Best one ever! Sue Grafton's W IS FOR WASTED is by my bed at home. Ergo, tomorrow night it's back to the books. YAY!!!!!
What are you reading?????

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I've enjoyed all 4 of John Hart's books and am hoping the next one will be coming out soon...nothing posted on his website yet.  His books are stand-alones, but they tend to be located in NC and deal with dysfunctional families.  Not everyone's cup of tea, but I enjoy them.

Last night started THE LONGEST RIDE by Nicholas Sparks. It grabbed me immediately  and know it'll be a good read! 

Lately have read two free books on my iPad while waiting for reserves to arrive.  Both books are by Catherine Ryan Hyde and have been quite captivating and engrossing.  Each book involved a young girl wise beyond her years and the effect she had on those around her. The first was WHERE WE BELONG and another major character in this book is a Great Dane named Rigby.  The other Hyde book is DON'T LET ME GO which is about a young girl with a single mother drug addict. 

rapa...   I Loovvee! Catherine Ryan Hyde's books.  I missed Where we Belong when they offered it free... Dangnabit! I've got so many books on my Kindle that I stopped looking at the freebies a few months ago.

I got Where we Belong and Electric God by her on the freebies and liked them both so much I went to the library and found several others in hardcover.  Pay It Forward was made into a movie a few years ago.


I too love Catherine Ryan Hyde's books and also missed out on getting Where We Belong for free that day, sigh.  But I do plan to read it some day; I think my fave of her books is Don't Let Me Go.

Anyone have any suggestions for good spy genre books.  I have a homebound friend who reads quite a bit on her nook but does not like Clancy and has read all of Vince Flynn ,Stuart Woods and Jack Reacher books and now is lost in finding a new one to follow?  H E L P if you can.  Thanks

Probably the best spy thriller writer around today is Daniel Silva.  Here is the Amazon page on "The Remembrance Affair."  He poses as a art restorer living in Cornwall, England but really is a former Israeli agent who takes on the enemies of both America and Israel with stealth.  He is so good that one of his books described an assassination of an Arab gun dealer in a hotel in Dubai.  The actual plot was used by the Israelis to pull off a similar assassination a couple of years after publication.  http://www.amazon.com/The-Rembrandt-Affair-Gabriel-Allon/dp/0451233999 

Thank you - thank you Carci and Mandy - will suggest both to her as she is rather depressed and nothing like a good book to get you back on track. 

I agree, Flowergram; if it weren't for reading...well, let's not even go there haha.

If she likes the thriller books I suggest The Bricklayer by Noah Boyd.  Excellent... grabs you right away and doesn't let go!


Spy mysteries. What about David Baldacci? His King and Maxwell stories seem pretty good. Sort of a sarcastic banter between the 2 main characters. Female and male. Not a fan of his Camel Club series but some of the others were worth the time.

John Hart...picked up his The Last Child today.

I'll catch in later today.~mlo

Thanks for the tip Carolyn - she has read several of the Baldacci books.   She was delighted with the tips  I gave her from here.  Looked up Silva with her Nook while I was talking to her and said she was going to download them all. Next plans to look up Noah Boyd and start on him.  THANKS to all for the suggestions.

Found a highly recommended novel called Case Histories by Kate Atkinson.  Stephen King called it the "best mystery of the decade".  New York Times said "grabs the reader and doesn't let go"...   high praise indeed!

Well it didn't grab me... 62 pages into it and it is still ho-hum! I'm switching books this a.m.

It's an English mystery and while I have read a few of them in the past that I have enjoyed, they are just not my cup of tea...

Different strokes for different folks I guess.






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