TBD on Ning

Sadly I haven't opened a book in a week as have been traveling! Had a blast at my 60th high school reunion! Best one ever! Sue Grafton's W IS FOR WASTED is by my bed at home. Ergo, tomorrow night it's back to the books. YAY!!!!!
What are you reading?????

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I just finished How the Light Gets In and I agree. This series definitely needs to be read in order for full enjoyment.  Louise Penny just keeps getting better & better.

...and yes, I did need tissues at the end...

Now off to the library to pick up 2 that are waiting for me: The Sound and the Furry (Chet & Bernie) and Never Go Back (Reacher).  Now which to read first.... decisions, decisions...

PS:  If you who have read the series by Penny haven't yet done so, I suggest you go to You Tube and check out Leonard Cohen singing "Anthem", his song from which the book title was taken.  It may give you shivers like it did for me.   


HERE! Present and accounted for!

John J Nance - now, I've read his stuff from published in the 90's but somehow his name dropped off the Radar Screen (punny...since he is all about flying and aircraft and mysteries and romance!)  He is one of the Pundits that spoke about Sully on the Hudson as well as the ugly side of plane disasters on National News.  I just read/listened to Blackout this week - BREATHLESS! (Was made into a TV mini-series)  What a great story and so easy to tell that it was before 9/11 - as people could walk into the Cockpit with no problem!

I'm planning to catch up on the rest of his work since 2001~

Thunderous Applause!

I've been enjoying the posts about favorite Authors - reading in order and having a deep connection to the evolution of Hero's, Main characters, history and progress.    Do we need to know the "back-stories" and efforts regarding the continuing saga of our main characters that we feel  know and love?  Does it contribute to the experience?  I'm trying to think back of when this concerted effort would be in play?  I have tried to listen to a Louis Penny book.  Tried.

So she is English? OH Wait - Canadian, right?  

I really bow down to many of you who read such fantastic intellectual missives - stories that advance your dynamic in the universe. I do try!!! LOL - really. Ocassionally I'll attempt something major - and try to report in when I do.

Currently, I'm reading "Orange is the New Black" ...My year in a women's prison~ by Piper Kerman

So far...I'm underwhelmed.  Not because I'm judgmental or hang with folks who have served time - just...spare me the justification for actions.  Being blind-sided by a Drug Dealer without worry for consequences...hmmm. 

***shakes head***

I have a ton of books on "HOLD" from library - so as I proceed with their consumption...hmmm...seems like a bad word to describe - but you know what I mean - I'll bounce in with a comment or 2.~mellow - welcome new members - posting is encouraged - but not mandatory - yet...most serious readers like to write? Comments?

I'm also reading "Orange is the New Black" and finding it...ok.  I'll finish it but it's not really grabbing my attention either.  I just finished "League in Denial" and am (very slowly because it requires my concentration more than fiction) working on "Dirty Wars".

I just closed the cover on a great courtroom drama, "In the Name of Honor" by Richard North Patterson. http://www.amazon.com/Name-Honor-Richard-North-Patterson/dp/0805087745 He is master of novels about timely issues that grip the reader.  This one deals with post traumatic stress disorder.  I couldn't put it down.  When I finished I quickly recorded book number 150 for the year in LibraryThing.com where I track my reads.  It is a fast paced English Detective mystery with a lot of London references called "Three's A Crowd."  http://www.amazon.com/Threes-Crowd-Patrick-Mystery-ebook/dp/B0087Q1...  Who can resist London detective stories? 

Just finished The Sound and the Furry by Spencer Quinn.  Chet never fails to put a smile in my heart.  He is so endearingly doggy.  And I looooove the titles of these books.

I just started Never Go Back by Lee Child.  This is #18 for Reacher and I think this one will be a winner! He's back in the army again...  how can that be?


I recently finished "Never Go Back" and really liked it.  

I had the same reaction to Orange is the New Black as some of you did; poor little rich girl goes to prison, awwww (or rather, yawwwwn).

Although, now that I've finished it, she does have some valid observations on the prison system and the inequities in it.  Other than that, my first impression remains.

Officerripley - I have to agree with you - did not make it even to mid-book - the writing was soooo....mumble, mumble - and this will be a Series on TV?  Maybe I should have jumped to last 30 pages to validate the story?  But, already turned in to Library.

As I mention before about John Nance - his book - "Blackout" - then read "ORBIT" this week - which was really interesting since I had just seen the movie "GRAVITY" so could imagine the Hero in all his frustration!  Now, I have to say the story did get a bit sappy - especially for men, I'm thinking.  

So desperate - have checked out "FALL of GIANTS" ~Ken Follett which I read a few years ago.  Dan'l (we aren't lost just exploring) Boone did get John Sanford's new book "Storm Front" - so will be snagging that soonly.  

OH! and going camping this weekend - taking non-fiction "David & Goliath" ~Malcolm Gladwell to read around the campfire.~mellow <^..^> who is leaving 2 foster cats alone for 2 days.  Hope the Building is still standing!

Whoever mentioned "Second Watch" by J.A. Jance - many thanks!  I really enjoyed it and now am going back to the beginning of the J.P. Beaumont series so I can read them all.

Just finished a novel that I would highly recommend:  "The Last Child" by John Hart. http://www.amazon.com/The-Last-Child-John-Hart/dp/0312642369  Set in coastal North Carolina, the locals have experienced a series of children being kidnapped by a child molester.  There are deep woods and swamps in the are where old slaves were persecuted and hung, bad doings by the police and a whole bunch of mystery to keep you occupied. 

Starting on "Carry Yourself Back to Me" by Deborah Reed.  Set in Florida's orange country (that's where I live) the novel has a fascinating tie-in to C&W music and a juicy murder in south-central Florida area.  Have we had enough murders in this area in the news lately?  http://www.amazon.com/Carry-Yourself-Back-Deborah-Reed/dp/1935597671If you love country music (bluegrass, actually) play the song on the Amazon review!




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