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Hope y'all did your "RABBIT RABBIT RABBIT" this morning!  Hard to believe that it's November already!

I'm still reading Margaret Atwood's ALIAS GRACE and enjoying it!  The book is rather small print and 460 pages.  Am not sure I'll get through it this round.  Tomorrow am picking up three reserve books at library. Here's the order that I plan to read them:

1.  DEADLINE by Sandra Brown  http://www.amazon.com/Deadline-Sandra-Brown/dp/1455501514/ref=tmm_h...

2.  THE OCTOBER LIST by Jeffery Deaver  http://www.amazon.com/October-List-Jeffery-Deaver/dp/1455576646/ref...

3.  JUST ONE EVIL ACT by Elizabeth George http://www.amazon.com/Just-One-Evil-Act-Inspector/dp/0525952969/ref...

All three books are recently published and have a reserve list. Fortunately will have three weeks. The George book is quite long and the reviews haven't been exceptional.  The Deaver book also has not had good reviews but I do like him.  Have been to a couple evenings where he speaks and he's quite delightful!

With the holidays approaching hope everyone can find some time to escape into some good reads!


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The sequels of the Enders game trilogy are also interesting where he rises to face the consequences of his acts in the first novel

Just a little FYI for those with Kindles - I get daily ads from BookGorilla with low-cost and even free books for my Kindle; today they have some current books for really low prices - like "Sycamore Row" for $3.29.

Thanks, I purchased "Sycamore Row." http://www.amazon.com/Sycamore-Row-John-Grisham-ebook/dp/B00CNQ7HAU... How can Kindle sell it for just $3.29 as it on the NYT best seller list?  Grisham doesn't usually sell his books for such a low price.  Maybe it's a tie-in to a Thanksgiving deal?  I also signed up for the service.  I have a couple of other services that send me daily deals but this is the first time I have seen this one. 

I was really surprised to see such a new book for that price too - and today they have several more.  Hope it's a trend that will continue!

The October List sounds so interesting.  I may have to pick that one up.  

Just finished The Christmas Train by Baldacci and One More Day by Mitch Albom...  both very lightweight but OK for a few days away from home at the MN daughter's house for Thanksgivng...  6 hour drive each way so easy reads are welcome...

December 1st    RABBIT, RABBIT, RABBIT......every one




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