TBD on Ning

Hope y'all did your "RABBIT RABBIT RABBIT" this morning!  Hard to believe that it's November already!

I'm still reading Margaret Atwood's ALIAS GRACE and enjoying it!  The book is rather small print and 460 pages.  Am not sure I'll get through it this round.  Tomorrow am picking up three reserve books at library. Here's the order that I plan to read them:

1.  DEADLINE by Sandra Brown  http://www.amazon.com/Deadline-Sandra-Brown/dp/1455501514/ref=tmm_h...

2.  THE OCTOBER LIST by Jeffery Deaver  http://www.amazon.com/October-List-Jeffery-Deaver/dp/1455576646/ref...

3.  JUST ONE EVIL ACT by Elizabeth George http://www.amazon.com/Just-One-Evil-Act-Inspector/dp/0525952969/ref...

All three books are recently published and have a reserve list. Fortunately will have three weeks. The George book is quite long and the reviews haven't been exceptional.  The Deaver book also has not had good reviews but I do like him.  Have been to a couple evenings where he speaks and he's quite delightful!

With the holidays approaching hope everyone can find some time to escape into some good reads!


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You're right, Mandy, the Amy Tan book does remind me of the Lisa See books which I thoroughly enjoyed.

A little change of pace, as I read a short story collection by Alice Munro.  "Dear Life" is a collection of 14 stories with a bit of human interest and a curious twist.  I got through three this AM.  Very enjoyable reads.  http://www.amazon.com/Dear-Life-Alice-Munro-ebook/dp/B0084TWN9K/ref...

I read most of these a short time ago before my three weeks ran out and someone else had reserved the book so I couldn't renew.  I'm going to check it out again as soon as it is available so I can read those I didn't finish.  The stories were just delightful.  A well deserved Nobel Prize.

Just finished "Through the Evil Days" and I liked it but I did not love it like I did her other books. Looking forward to a discussion on this book.

Condensed Books

Over the weekend, I gave a look to my various book shelves.  Yes, I have bookcases all over the house stuffed with books I intend to read, some classics I won't throw away and all kinds of reference books. Of particular interest were 16 Readers Digest Select Editions. I had read a condensed book or two out of some of the covers, but I have not  completed all four so I kept the book (some for a number of years).   I don't subscribe but do pick up a copy or two of the Readers Digest Editions each time I am at the used book seller. I did subscribe at one time and have read many of them over the many years.   So I decided to read them all straight through and then return them to the book exchange at my retirement complex so that others may enjoy the condensed books. 

My choice for a start was the Volume 316, published in 2011. 

Novels include:

"Never Look Away" by Linwood Barclay

"Promise Me" by Richard Paul Evans

"Lipstick in Afghanistan" by Roberta Gately

"I Still Dream About You" by Fannie Flag

I often find that authors could cut down the size of most of their book by a few pages, some by several hundred, and the condensation loses little in the process.  

Just picked up Linwood Barclay's - Trust your eyes today, have read several books by him and really liked them.  Also have Giles Blunt's - Black Fly Season.  Just finished two of William Tappley's books and Adrian McKinty's - Sirens in the Streets.  All good reads.  Keep em coming guys.

I finished "Never Look Away" and also enjoyed the book.  The action was placed in the upstate New York region, when I once lived.  Barclay is Canadian and lives in the Toronto area. 

I just finished Let Him Go by Larry Watson.  It received excellent reviews and I liked it as well.  It’s 1951 and grandparents drive from North Dakota to Montana to rescue their grandson from an abusive situation.  Watson has won several literary awards and teaches literature at Marquette University.

Still enjoying and taking my time with Amy Tan's THE VALLEY OF AMAZEMENT

Yesterday picked up the new Ruth Rendell  NO MAN'S NIGHTINGLALEhttp://www.amazon.com/No-Mans-Nightingale-Inspector-Wexford/dp/1476...

Also brought home Alice Munro's TOO MUCH HAPPINESS.  Easy to pick up and put down when a short story fills the need!  This Canadian Pulitzer Prize winner "renders complex, difficult events and emotions into stories that shed light on the unpredictable ways in which men and women accommodate and often transcend what happens in their lives."

For 10 great reading nooks - go to bookriot.com  - me? I can read anywhere and do. LOL

Continued on my reading of the Readers' Digest Select Edition four novel set.  The second story is by Richard Paul Evans.  "Promise Me" is a fantasy love story that involves time travel and gluten intolerance.  Now you don't see that combination every day.  Having gone gluten free myself following some agonizing months recovering from a gall bladder removal and a staff infection called C-diff, I could relate. Never a wheat germ shall cross my lips again.  The story features a lovely recipe for fried rice.  http://www.amazon.com/Promise-Me-Richard-Paul-Evans-ebook/dp/B003UY...

I'm now in the midst of a another fantasy book along the lines of "The Hunger Games."  "Divergent" takes place in a futuristic Chicago where character traits are used to stereotype people into five  groups.  http://www.amazon.com/Divergent-Book-1-Veronica-Roth-ebook/dp/B004C...  Again, the story is little off-beat but that's why I read certain books.  For $3.99 on Amazon, the price is right, with an additional two books in the trilogy for continuing the story. 

This issue of gluten intolerance really intrigues me. I wonder if you can comment more on this. If this is not the appropriate forum for this then maybe an entry in your log.

Was your gluten intolerance related to your gall bladder surgery?

This used to be an extremely rare condition but now is a real wide spread phenomenon. I wonder what is going on here. Do we know if this is worldwide or concentrated in some geographic locations?




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