TBD on Ning

              I am starting a new thread here mainly for purposes of my own catharsis. It is my intention, at least at this point, to make regular contributions. Of course, if anyone else has anything to add, they are more than welcome. If you have any input, please contribute.

              Over a year ago I decided to deal head-on with my self-diagnosed adult attention disorder, (ADD). The inability to stay focused was becoming too stressful. I found myself sitting around watching the clock tick, yet I couldn’t keep “on task” with any project I started. Nothing was getting done and just starting something was becoming depressing.

              The smart thing to do was probably to get professional help, so instead I decided to try to heal myself, at least as a first try. Cognitive therapy and pharmaceuticals (UGH) might be the approved way to go but I decided to try meditation first.

              18 months and countless self-help books later, I still can’t bring myself to a regular, formal meditation program. But, along the way, I discovered informal mindfulness. Yes, I know it is the “Fad” right now. It is hard to navigate modern social trends without “tripping over” somebody extolling the benefits of mindfulness.

              Let me add my voice to the chorus.

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Too many to deal with in my home, I'm afraid. 

"Sometimes miracles are just good people with kind hearts."  ~  Tiny Buddha

One such miracle worker is Lori Deschene, the force behind tinybuddah.com.

"By taking out all unnecessary stuff, we simply uncover our home's original nature. This beauty is intrinsic and cannot be taken away. We can apply this same process to our hearts and minds. We must clean out, on an ongoing basis, all that which is inessential-"  ~  Brenda Shoshanna

I guess I'm reacting (again) to the rampant materialism that has infected our culture in this, and every, holiday season. By collecting "stuff" we are only feeding our dissatisfaction with whatever else we don't have, and it spills over into our personal relationships. This should be a time to be grateful that our basic needs are satisfied.

Are we 'wired' to want stuff? Here's an article that suggests how it happens, but is a bit weak on what to do.


Zen story: The moon cannot be stolen.
A Zen Master lived the simplest kind of life in a little hut at the foot of a mountain. One evening, while he was away, a thief sneaked into the hut only to find there was nothing in it to steal. The Zen Master returned and found him. "You have come a long way to visit me," he told the prowler, "and you should not return empty-handed. Please take my clothes as a gift." The thief was bewildered, but he took the clothes and ran away. The Master sat naked, watching the moon. "Poor fellow," he mused, " I wish I could give him this beautiful moon."

"Holiday gift suggestions: To the person next to you, your undivided attention. To your enemies, forgiveness. To your customers, service. To every child, a good example. And to yourself, respect. Have a restful holiday! "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with you."   ~   Timber Hawkeye

Some would say that this comes a day late. The Holiday was yesterday. To that my reply would be "Everyday is a Holiday." Happy Boxing Day.

Happiness isn't having more; it's enjoying more. It isn't living a life without problems; it's appreciating all the problems we don't have.

Why I now complain less and appreciate more: https://t.co/0VRYsnvDKl https://t.co/aM4dTvdhRb

"A reminder (if it’s helpful)...

A happy life can be lived when you consistently cultivate your values, virtues and strengths.

A meaningful life is when you use them for the benefit of others." ~ JC Bowers-Brown




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