TBD on Ning

OK, Here goes.

It is the third. Of may that is. I haven't been here for a while and decided to check in. Saw that the April 2012 Discussion had  been closed. When the REPLY tag vanishes that means the discussion is closed. I thought about reopening it and then changed my mind and opened this one.



Tags: May, New, Who, what, when, where., why

Views: 337


Replies to This Discussion

It has turned out to be another very nice day but a little cooler.  That's ok, it got down to 38 last night so I expected a chill day.

Yay... happiness for the new dentist.  That adds a degree of comfort for you.  I have a tiny filling to get done on Tuesday morning.  I'll see if I can relax and not have only my head and heels touching the chair.  LOL

understand that stress, for sure!  i nearly wrenched one wrist off, before she was done.

but hey, friday's upon us, and there WILL be a weekend!

here we are, friday has rolled around, once again.

the local ad flyer says there's a classic car show tomorrow, in the next city east, Waynesboro.  i may just have to go over there (it's about 15 miles) and admire them!  otherwise, an ordinary weekend.  no word from kids, but likely they'll all call sometime during the day.  Teresa sent me a lovely bougainvillea bonsai, which is rapidly dropping all its leaves.  sigh, but the care instructions say that happens and it'll come back, just needs pruned; her friend says i need to repot it (trim roots and give it fresh dirt, same tiny pot) so maybe i'll do that too, sometime soon.

Morning all,
Busy day
Have a day filled with love and laughter

thanks for stopping by, Thalia!

Lynn good luck with your bougainvillea.  I know those in So Cal grow to be quite large and bloom beautifully.  I am way over due to attend a classic car show.  I hope I catch news of one this summer.

Have a wonderful day all you moms.  Sharon's mother called today to thank us for the flowers we sent then proceeded to complain because someone had "just stuffed the flowers in without any arranging".  LOL

thank you for MD wishes, Richard!

as for the mother, well, some people simply refuse to be pleased, but you guys did the "right" thing, and that's enough.  how the mother chose to receive your gift is out of your hands.

Happy Mother's Day to Thalia and Crystal, both!

i've now repotted the bougainvillea.  am thinking that i couldn't give it enough water, because the pot was full and hard packed, and maybe that's what its problem was.  supposedly, daughter Teresa's friend knows about bonsai, and that was her recommendation, so we'll see what happens -- it was pretty severely rootbound, i practically had to cut it out of the pot.  now, i know bonsai aren't supposed to grow normally, but if this variety sucks up as much water as its literature says (the directions that came with it), this needed done.  if not, well, we'll see....

rain, rain, go away.  and take these flood warnings with you, please!

i need some sun....

got my sunshine today, yippee!

and just in time, since i have to replace the air conditioner in the condo where grandkids are living, sigh.  it's frickin' endless.

Yikes!  AC in that part of the country is nearly as value able as water.  Tell them to hang wet cheese cloth over the front of a fan.  LOL

Tell them to hang wet cheese cloth over the front of a fan.  No, it never ends does it.  We can only hope bad expensive stuff doesn't happen in groups.




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