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Looking forward to calmer weather, signs of Spring and some good reads in March! What's on your plate?

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Reading, "The Burning Man" by Alan Russell.  A LA detective and his dog take on the bad guys.  Good read if you like the Michael Connelly Harry Bosch stories.  Concurrent, I am also watching the new Amazon Prime TV series, "Bosch" which features the famous LA detective in a composite of Bosch novels. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bosch_%28TV_series%29 This is great TV watching that is free if you have Amazon Prime and Fire TV.  I also just downloaded my free book for March from Prime, "Divide and Conquer" by Harry McDonald.  It promises to be a tense political thriller.    

Just finished Leaving Time-  did not see that ending coming at all.

Not sure what to read next have lots of choices. On thur. the library in the next city is having their what to read next, always enjoy going there and get lots of good ideas.

I just finished The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty.  She certainly knows how to weave a tale, keep you interested and give you a well wrapped up surprise ending.  I especially loved the Epilogue at the end of this book which tells us what might have been... what a clever original idea!

I also read Big, Little Lies by her recently and it had a good, redemptive, surprise ending as well. She's an excellent storyteller and I'm looking up her other books on fantasticfiction...

EAGLEWOMAN...I hear you to the MAX about the ending of Leaving Time!!!! Who could ever in the history of mankind THINK, COMPOSE, INVENT, DREAM UP, CREATE or COMPOSE such a puzzle and make it seem....sorry don't want to write a SPOILER!

Back from 82 degrees in Orlando...flight was challenging with 50 children under age 4 ( this is not Spring Break time) .AND United didn't have snacks delivered to the plane and Parents were scrambling in purses, carry-ons to find cereal, pretzels, crackers and anything to shove into screaming mouths for sanity!

Dan'l and I listen to AudioBooks but there is that 15 minutes of take-off and landing where all electronics have to be shut off. We could decompress on the ride home!

Next time flying into Palm Beach and driving to various cities in Florida!

Hey! I do KNOW that ages 3 and 4 are best time for Disney...that age BELIEVES those characters walking around the park are REAL!!!!

At this time I am reading (perhaps trying to read might be more accurate) Being Mortal by Atul Gawande. The book has been number 1 on the N.Y. Times nonfiction best-seller list for the last few weeks. It is about....well, mortality, but primarily how modern medicine fails those in the late or final stages of life. So it is often quite daunting and difficult to read.  Obviously with this subject it gets into the issue of assisted suicide, or as it is often referred to these days as “death with dignity” to make it somewhat more palpable. But the author’s emphasis is more on the importance of improving the quality of life at that time of one’s existence, than it is on the intentional termination of it.

Depressing at times, certainly. But also hopeful and compassionate. I recommend it for everyone who at some time expects to face death. It gives real meaning to a quote by Isaac Asimov, “Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome.”

On a lighter note, my current non-fiction read is Deadline a Virgil Flowers thriller by John Sandford. Very good, as I have found all his books to be.  

Interesting LORUACH, I just ordered that book today and am #3 on the list. There are 5 copies in circulation. I have an insatiable interest in health/medicine and the art of dying. A Baltimore friend recommended that book yesterday. Gawande is a master of words and philosophy.

Jonathan Kellerman's new book was shipped to me today. Plan to slip some reading in between calculating our taxes. My best reading time is 11:00-2:00 am!

Hope everone remembers to "Spring forward" this Sunday. Seems early to me this year.

I always hope to be sound asleep at that time, rapa. My problem is waking up later and not being able to get back to sleep.

FYI, I used to be a night nurse. Am not a morning person! All my medical charts have a notation to not call before 10:00am!!! ☺️

Didn't read the book but I saw a Frontline episode with Atul Gawande about this issue

He got very personal and included the death of his father (also a physician) and I found it genuine and passionate

You can watch that episode at:


I'm halfway through The English Assassin by Daniel Silva, the second in the Gabriel Allon series.  This is a complete change of pace from the 2 earlier books I mentioned above.  I like to switch it up a bit so I don't get in a reading rut.

My sister just told me of a book she'd heard about which was highly recommended to her... Sister by Rosamund Lupton.  Has anyone here read it?  Sounds like a good mystery...

LEAVING TIME fans or even if didn't like...announcement today that Ringling Bros will no longer feature elephants after this year.

Finished "Those Who Wish Me Dead" by Michael Koryta. I have ordered more by this Author. Was it a recommended read by someone on this Group? Author is a an "acquired taste" I am thinking.

To be continued...
Am so hoping the Ringling elephants can retire to a sanctuary where they can do their own thing!!! My mother always reminded me that one of my first words was "Elephant".




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