TBD on Ning

Hello and Welcome to all that come by our humble lounge. Please sit and have coffee and breakfast or we also have take out if you need to get to work. A place for people to come in the morning for coffee and conversation, evening for music, drinks, fun and weekend parties. Where everybody knows your name and we’re awfully glad you came, oh wait that was CHEERS.

Leave a message and say hello, we are so glad that you stopped by to visit us.

Ladyg - Owner
Mary - Manager
Lynn - Bartender



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Yeah  and I have a feeling I would be happier with that then the others

as long as I can keep in touch w/ ya'all that is what is most important

to me:)

odds are, your PC will last another year or three yet, there's just no telling.  i want a new toy, and the iPad is a great toy, but just can't justify the expense.  you have a great justification, you're gonna' be away from home and need access!

Yes and one never knows what will happen, it might be longer then expected

tho I'm not going to believe that at all!!!! :)

Yes you do Mary........we need to keep up with you my sweet. Now ladies I am not feeling to well at all right now and I am going to lay down for a while. I have enjoyed our time together and look forward to many more. Lynn I know you will be gone for a while and I await your return. Mary I know your surgery is coming up soon and I want you rested and ready and healed. Until later my friends♥♥

goodnight, Ladyg.  I sure hope the docs can help you feel better!

:) I think we all have the same idea @ the same time.....

Please Keep me updated {{{Ladyg}}}  sista of my ♥HEART♥

I love you both more then you will ever know!!!  Sweet Dreams

Ladies :)

i know it's early, but i'm starting to wind down.  i think i'll say goodnight, and finish up a few chores before i go curl up with my book.

the next 2 saturday nites, i'll be on the road, so probably won't make it to the party here, or even for daily posts.  i'm leaving midweek, this coming week, not sure when exactly i'll be back, but should be by the end of the month.  i'll scan FB every day, and emails, so you know how to find me if you need me!

it's been a pleasant evening, thank you my sistas of my ♥heart♥!  more another time....

Awww....I understand Lynn, yep I know how to find you which is good,

so if I get any news about when the big HS is going to be I will be sure

to let you know....:) Love you too my sista of my ♥HEART♥ :))

g'nite, Mary!  take care, rest well....

Stopping bye to say good evening to everyone.

I have to take extra time during the day to stay off the computer..doctors orders..I am having an issue with

my fingers and it's from all the typing...

thanks for stopping by, Ladysilverbird.  sorry we missed you for the party




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