TBD on Ning

Hello and Welcome to all that come by our humble lounge. Please sit and have coffee and breakfast or we also have take out if you need to get to work. A place for people to come in the morning for coffee and conversation, evening for music, drinks, fun and weekend parties. Where everybody knows your name and we’re awfully glad you came, oh wait that was CHEERS.

Leave a message and say hello, we are so glad that you stopped by to visit us.

Ladyg - Owner
Mary - Manager
Lynn - Bartender

Tags: Coffee, Conversation, Food, Friends, Music

Views: 1213

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Now my Long Island Ice Tea............Yummmmmmmmmmm

Wow, I am really slipping I forgot to tell Lynn, I am so crazy.

Oh boy....we gotta let her know right a way, cause she will go in to

the Party Palace tomorrow expecting to see us!!! :))

I will go to FB and leave her a message.

Yayyyyyyyyyyy   She will be very happy w/ your news too!! :)))

i got it, it's okay!


All set now, I left Lynn a message and I left Julia a message so I know what kind of drink she likes.

A few appetizers

mmmmm Yummmy.....Food...Love it!!!!




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