TBD on Ning




A thread to ask whatever we're wondering about. 

I know we can do this individually in Q&A, but this thread can be akin

to Random Thoughts in Games, only queries.

Feel free to include the answer to your question, or not.


Tags: How do I...?, What is the difference b/t...?, When is...?

Views: 1980

Replies to This Discussion


What never was and never will be?


A sane right wing conservative?
What happened to the other 56 varieties of Heinz 57 sauce?
I could tell you. But then I'd have to..... oh, I dunno.

OK, I don't want to know about the other 56 different varieties. 

The threat was veiled, but I got it.

I don't end up "swimming with the fishes" over a stupid question.

Her bark is FAR worse than her bite!

She don't scare me...



Yeah, but that barking keeps me up at night.
Don't be telling people about me biting you, Quinn!
Send money then...




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