TBD on Ning

Thanks to Carolyn Tewell for reminding us it's time to share our reads for July. 

Tonight, July 1, I'm finishing Lisa Genova's LOVE ANTHONY.  Tomorrow am picking up at library the book recently recommended by several of you, THE PROFESSIONALS by Owen Laukkanen. 

What's on your plate for this month? 

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Would you believe that I just now had to rejoin BOOKOHOLICS!!!!!  Somehow was dropped from the membership!  Took my pulse to make sure I hadn't died!!!   Anyway, library just called.  In addition to THE SILVER STAR, they are holding for me GHOSTS OF MANHATTAN.  The author is Douglas Brunt.  He is FOX news journalist Megyn Kelly's husband. Thought I'd give it a look/see.


Rapa, that's weird. Were you dropped of Bookoholics only or out of TBD ?
In any case welcome back

Lip Service, I think it was just BOOKOHOLICS  as I could get to TBD but couldn't  post on BOOKOHOLICS  unless I joined! Very strange.  All I can figure is that I had recently posted via my iPad.  The iPad thinks faster than I do.  Perhaps I hovered over the space  "LEAVE THIS GROUP".  Funny thing is, I'd noticed that we'd lost a member and couldn't figure out which one when I scanned the group!  Didn't notice for awhile that I'd flown the coop!!! Didn't lose any of my "friends" or messages.  Now back to my book!!!!!  :)

I loved The Suspect by Crais; have never been able to get into any of his other novels but just loved that one.

Thought that SUSPECT was a wonderful read!  Not only was it a stand-alone novel but one of the main characters was "Maggie", a K 9 unit German Shepherd that lost her military handler, Pete, in Afghanistan.

Just finished Trespasser By Paul Doiron- very good book recommended by someone here and I appreciate it.  Reading Michael Connelly's- The Closers, next up Louise Penney's - The Brutal Telling.  July is slipping away too fast.  So many more books I want to get read.  LOL

Suspect, a stand-alone by Robert Crais, was deeply moving story of 2 wounded souls helping each other heal, 1 human and 1 canine. It was one of my favorite books this year.

I also like the Paul Doiron series featuring Mike Bowditch.  Trespasser was the second in the series and a new one comes out in 10 days, Massacre Pond. I have it on request at the library. 

I have just started Orphan Train and so far, so good. I had heard of these trains in the past and marvel at the change in attitudes from those days to these.  The adoption agency for teens in MN that my daughter co-founded gives the child the choice to accept the family or not... it is a mutual agreement and strives to keep the teens in touch with those family and friends they have had in the past.

Got a one day deal (1.99) on a Kindle special: Hawk Quest by Robert Lyndon. It's a good book and I'm really enjoying the read. Set in 1072 it's a saga type novel. 


Rapa...too cute, I came into TBDEE via my iPad quick snap so saw that you had joined Bookoholics....too funny! Well, I am sure you felt a degree of frustration at being unlisted on this Team...uh, is it called a team? Group? Whatever...glad you persevered!

Flower...loved The Closers! My DH just couldn't struggle thru all the pain taking process of Police Procedure...sort of like handling IRS TAX forms! Really, this very intricate, or maybe because I don't watch Crime shows like CSI? My Brother will love it! He is able to watch large screen Television but visually impaired...loves the Audio books...listened to them back in the 50's when they were designed "Books for the Blind"

Massacre Pond is on my request list from Library...Paul Doiron,..so far loved all his stories.

Just visit NYT best seller list to see what I've missed. Plus another site that tells me what is coming onto the bookshelves...note that James Lee Burke has one called "Light of the World" coming mid-month.

Ok..just a side note...one of my most favorite authors is Charlie Huston. His work is...um, er, uh... Probably designed for the 25 year old male. He has a new book out called Skinner. I'll read and give a report...for the moment just letting you know if one of your adult kids or Grandkids likes this Guy...I give them a high five! Language is WARNING! WARNING! Adult content! Oddly enough he isn't sexual explicit...Stephen King calls him the Mystery writer of the future.

Why can't I like Nora Roberts like all my other Senior Chick folks? Nite nite~mlo

I don't like Nora Roberts either, mlo;  I don't think she's a bad writer, just not my cuppa tea.

It's weird, I can't get into Nora Roberts - but absolutely am addicted to her J D Robb persona. That's what she uses when she writes the "In Death" series.

Same here, although I love the series she writes as J.D.Robb too.




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