TBD on Ning

and here we are, despite the rumored demise of teebeedee!

Independence Day is the big holiday for mid-summer, and the heat wave will make it a toasty warm one, for sure!

What are your plans for summer, what will you do different before the days get short again?

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Am looking forward to the berry pie in Oregon...yipeeeeeeee   Just got back from my son Aarons, he fed us chicken, risotto and squash with yummy sauce  sooooooooo good and sooooo much fun, my grandkids are a delight to be sure..

Hope everyone had a sunday filled with love and laughter

It has definitely been a Monday today.  The clothes washer won't wash but it will spin.  A repair person will be here on Friday.  The bath tub didn't drain this morning so I disconnected the P-trap in the basement and drained the tub into a garbage container.  In the process of trying to unscrew the cleanout in the basement I broke the cast iron drain pipe for the toilet, the bathroom sink and the bathtub.  So off I go to every handy man's dream store for parts.  So now the toilet is usable, the sink is usable but leaks a little, and the tub/shower isn't connected until more parts are purchased.  Tomorrow morning is reserved for that experience.  The fun never ends!  ;-)

By the way, during demolition of the basement stair landing last Friday I discovered several brown pages of the March  1929 Portland Oregonian newspaper.  It was just a few months before the big stock market crash.  It has been fun reading the news, ads, and prices.  I might photo and post some parts of them.

ah, Richard, i am sorry about the plumbing issues.  such a nightmare.  makes washer repair seem like a piece of cake, huh?  ick and ugh.

news hidden under the stairs?  must've been a surprise!  tomorrow, the new stairs get poured, right?

Thalia, i'm smiling to read that dinner with your son & family was such fun!  how wonderful for you!

life here in STaunton is just chugging along.......  sending love and hugs to all you regular visitors!

it's wednesday nite here.  the moon is rising, maybe 9:30 o'clockkkkkkk, to the east, and it's orange.  and full!  gorgeous! i do love my view out the east side of my apt.  the west side looks onto a stone wall about 6 ft from the window, but that's where there are 2 more buildings tiered up the hillside.

I am hoping to head out and get a good look at the moon tonight. I hope it cools down a bit so I can sit and enjoy it for a while. 

Gearing up for the big meet in Michigan City, IN....I fly out next Friday and I am starting to think about how and what to pack. Sure wish you were all going to be there. 

Good morning all
Wish I was going to the meet as well. Oh well, things happen. It is getting cooler in Colorado in the evenings and that is wonderful. Am not standing the heat well.
Looking forward to meetin Richard in September and Lynn in January.
And who knows ruby may take a drive to KC for a long weekend. Never know what I will do these days.
I wish all of you a terrific Thursday filled with love and laughter

this year's meet will be great fun, i'm sure!  they always are.  travel safely, RRC! 

i toyed w/ the idea of going, but the twice-yearly conference of the group i "consult" for is Aug 6-9, so that would've made travel pretty tight, and i'm really squirrelly about group-housing situations, like the beach house, that was part of it, too, i admit.  tried it once and had a horrible experience, and really don't want to risk that ever again.

i guess the good news is that it's GOT to be cooler on the shores of Lake Michigan than it's been in Kansas.  but, just so you know, they're recording record high water temps in the Great Lakes this year, just like everywhere else.  in your case, that may mean the water at the beach will be warm enough to actually get into, LOL!

got a mass PM on thinkbedo from Robbie, he's already there, it sounded like -- scoping out the place with Happy, no doubt.

yes, when i go to Denver, i will meet up with you, Thalia -- we'll have details sorted out before then, but i seem to be able only to plan one trip at a time, and next week it's just DC but still away from home for the week.  next conference is the last week of January, the one in Denver.  i don't even know whether i'm gonna' drive or take the train yet, but i'm no longer very fond of flying, so try to avoid that.  i reckon, if i go to Alaska, i'll have to fly, or back to Hawai'i, but for now, finances just don't support anything more than dreaming.

Hi guys, another busy day today.The appliance repair guy is coming tomorrow.  I hope he/she has the parts if needed.  Otherwise we wait through another weekend without doing laundry.  Unfortunately I am deathly allergic to those pay to suds your duds places.  So I will have to take the laundry to the river and slap them against the rocks.

I am certain the meetup will be fun and create many happy memories for years to come.  If I could just glue Thalia to Oregon when she gets here we could have a nice west coast meetup with the California people and others who are so daring.  Hahaha

i sure hope your washer can be fixed w/o having to order some part ahd have it shipped from timbuktu....

scrubbing clothes on the rocks sounds dreadful, not to mention they might come out of the river dirtier than if you just kept wearing them....

i'll check in here on saturday, but will be travelling next week so may not be here at all.  returning home sunday 12th, will definitely be back then!

The washing machine is fixed!  What was wrong you ask?  For some undisclosed (or disclothed) reason the water wasn't filling high enough for the dewdad to tell the washer to start getting agitated.  Oh yes there was a plastic bra underwire caught in the pump.  Sharon does not wear those type so who knows where it came from since she bought the machine new.

In the meantime I reframed and leveled the basement stair landing along with installing a new handrail on one side.  I even did a couple hours of work work.  Taking the rest of the day off and out for a salad dinner.

yay, the washer works again!  the not-agitating thing, ok, i can get that, but the bra underwire in the pump, in a machine bought "new" suggests that she actually got a refurbished machine, that someone else had returned shortly after buying it.  but now, all's well, i trust.

and you redid the basement stair landing -- that leads outside as well as down stairs, right?      well done!  hope dinner was good, and how nice that you have no dishes to do, afterwards!  hope there was a good rum drink in there, somewhere!

Yes all is well and 2 or 3 loads have successfully been washed.  Sharon believes she may have done laundry for a guest at some point.  Or the guest did her own.
The landing does lead to the backyard as well.  Good memory!!

Dinner was a steak salad with diet cola.  No rum this time.




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