TBD on Ning

and here we are, despite the rumored demise of teebeedee!

Independence Day is the big holiday for mid-summer, and the heat wave will make it a toasty warm one, for sure!

What are your plans for summer, what will you do different before the days get short again?

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That is beautiful Thally. That had to have been tough to get through. Hugs to you.

Slowly recovering from set strike. Now it's off to work.  

thank you, Thalia.  i'm grateful that you shared your words.  i found myself with literally nothing to say, at my sister's funeral.  her exes, the fathers of her sons, spoke, and the minister....

Good morning all. Have a day filled with love and laughter. Another hot day here and it is my Friday.

good morning, all!  i looked at the weather map in today's paper -- yowza, there's this BROWN schmear all over the middle of the continent!  ok, it's down in southern Arizona, too, but that's Arizona and they can handle it. 

hi, Thalia!  your weekends are now shorter than your work weeks and Oregon is coming up!

RRC, i hope you're recovering.  Richard, i hope you get some time to yourself, this weekend!

love and hugs, all around....

A quick hello...just made my airline and car rental...yeahhhh

another tragedy in Colorado today, my heart goes all to all affected by this...might be called for crisis counceling...it never ends

RRC thanks and glad the set has been struck...is your life back to normal yet  whatever that might mean

Richard looking forward to seeing you and your wife

Lynn, hi...and it will be cooler in Jan...:-)

yes, that shooting in the theater was horrible.  if you're needed for crisis counseling, well, that might be a way to touch some good people, but i sure hope it won't interfere w/ your vacation plans, now that you've got your ticket!

as for "cooler" in January, i am dreading that -- last time i was there, in January, the wind chills were horrible and the air temps around -10 to -15.  hoping for a slightly warmer time, this round!

Morning all...a quick hello and then I have to get moving or I will be late. 

Out with classmates celebrating 50...what a fun night. 

Ward & Kiefer are in the Black Hills working on the house with threats of fire this heat and drought are really getting scary. The entire middle section of the US is in dire need of moisture. 

Life is almost 'normal'...if that is what you call it. 

Today is my oldest sons 24th birthday. Happy Birthday Calder.

I hope the heat drops and rain enough to dampen the midwest.  Happy birthday to Calder.  You are too young to have a 24 year old.  ;-)

Hi Lynn, hope your weekend will be a good one.

Happy Saturday!  For all intents and purposes I have finished both projects.  So I am free to do home chores and projects until further notice resulting from the projects.

Yesterday 3 guys with their support truck and dump truck jack hammered the cement front steps and hauled the chunks away.  Monday morning other guys will form new stairs and pour concrete on Tuesday.  The handrails, then can be measured for and fabricated.  Lynn you know what I am saying.

RRC, glad you've recovered!  yes, fire danger is bad up in SD, there are some wildfires underway now. 

and even here, never mind where you are, farmers are cutting their corn for hay, since it's stopped growing and not tasseling or forming ears at all....  not a good omen, for sure.

Richard, i'm glad you have some time to breathe now. removing the steps -- both of 'em? -- and replacing is a big job, wow!  but yes, handrails are going to be increasingly needed by the both of you, as time goes on....  seems like it's happening pretty quickly, if they're gonna' pour the concrete on tuesday!  glad you're doing that, and maybe lower rise steps, too?  i don't remember that being so much of a problem, but i'm think after Sharon's broken ankle/food and your knee struggles, you're ready for a slightly easier entry, huh?  still, it's a BIG job!

sunday nite, and all is well...  another gray-ish day, with a bit of sun breaking thru the clouds, and hi temps in mid-80s.  i almost feel guilty....




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