TBD on Ning

and here we are, despite the rumored demise of teebeedee!

Independence Day is the big holiday for mid-summer, and the heat wave will make it a toasty warm one, for sure!

What are your plans for summer, what will you do different before the days get short again?

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We can do breakfast Thalia.  Sharon has some latitude.  Especially on Friday because most everyone else in her office takes the day off.

It's a beautiful Sunday morning here.  I hope your day is beautiful too.  It reached 90 yesterday so it was a 'fans on high and windows open kind of night.  I am feeling pretty confident that summer is here now.  LOL

home safely....

Richard, you got up to 90 on saturday?!?  yowza!  i hope that's not long term -- folks don't routinely have a/c there 'cuz it rarely gets HOT!

i'm glad Sharon has wiggle room on fridays, yippee!

have i mentioned, i am really really looking forward to sleeping in my own bed?

Another 90 degree day today.  The fans are working overtime.  LOL  It's 9:30 PM and 83 which reminds me of Nevada and Arizona except no humidity to speak of there.  There is no place like our own bed.  :)

much cooler in the mid-Atlantic today, but some nice t'storms in the mid2late afternoon!

i truly enjoyed my own bed last nite.  and the hot tub at the pool this afternoon -- after being out of the water for a week, that was a welcome treat!

It reach 80 today which is welcome even though I haven't much time to spend out in it.  I enjoyed the outdoor hot tub I used to have.  Especially on winter nights while it was snowing.

Hi all....running crazy around here. Opening night is tonight so around 8 pm I can sit back and relax for an hour and a half. Top all that off with a bladder infection and I am a little grumpy but I am thrilled that we are finally at production.

Break a leg Crystal. I hear wine is a good cure for infections of all kinds. I hope you can stop it in its tract. :)

I've been trying that wine cure, but it wasn't helping so I finally called the doctor. Nice thing about a small town, I called the office and just went in for a UA. I didn't even see the doctor. LOL

didn't realize that you aren't acting in this production, just involved w/ the producing.  a bit easier for you, at least.

bummer 'bout the bladder infection, ick and ugh.  too bad they don't make a cranberry wine....

Have a good day all. Fill it with love and laughter. Hope your bladder infection better RRC.
I have to go back to work today. Am wondering what the day will bring
Have a good one all, fill it with love and laughter

work.  some days, it's good to have work as a distraction...i'm thinking today probably was NOT one of those!




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