TBD on Ning

and here we are, despite the rumored demise of teebeedee!

Independence Day is the big holiday for mid-summer, and the heat wave will make it a toasty warm one, for sure!

What are your plans for summer, what will you do different before the days get short again?

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I am so glad I got my laundry done on Sunday night.  My brother died in his sleep in the wee hours of Monday.  He was waiting for all of to leave, of that I am sure.  And I know that he is in a far better place than he was a few days ago.  Tonight I looked in the sky and low and behold saw a cloud shaped like a bunny...His last name was Hare.  I smiled and waved and said yup....LOL

No fireworks here as they have been banned.  They say there is going to be rain this week, God I hope so...

Lynn have a good time at the wedding and give Larry and Kitty a big hug for me.  Then you can return it in Janurary

and Richard am going to make sure we meet when I am in Oregon, trying to come the last of sept and beginning of October

Hope everyone had a day filled with love and laughter

that cloud...perfect!  i love when things like that happen.  it doesn't lessen the loss but somehow eases the pain for a bit.  ((((Thalia))))

I shall indeed give the Kremises your hug, and will hang on to the return 'til January, when i get to deliver it!

heading out in just a few minutes.

Thalia, what a great sign that was with the cloud.  I am glad your brother passed peacefully in the night.  It must bring you some relief and a way to go on with your life.

Fireworks have been banned here for a number of years.  Somehow folks manage to find sources of loud, sparkly, and smokey with which to build up their arsenal.  The big booming started about 9:00 and continued until I went to sleep (about 9:01).  Okay maybe 9:02 then.  How about 10:15?

Of course I'd love to meet you and will travel where it will be convenient to fit into your plans.  :)

i'm glad that you two will work out a way to meet!  just even sharing a cup of coffee, sitting face2face for an hour, makes such a difference in our online friendships!

made it to Meadville, PA, and met up w/ Char&Tom in time to help finish decorating the hall for their reception.  tomorrow they're frantically busy, but i have other things to do, to entertain myself, LOL!

who knew, that fireworks are banned in OR?  or just Portland?  not like it's ever dry there -- do you know why, the ban?

hugs delivered to Carol and Larry!  and i have a pair that i'll hold onto for Thalia, for delivery in January.


Am making my travel plans today. Talked to Star yesterday and she said she can stand me for another visit. Lol.
Lynn hope you are having a fabulous time, the pic looked like it
And Richard will let you know. Am thinking I will come Thursday after work, stay in Portland for the night and then drive to Prinvelle on Friday morning. Bot sure yet. Will let you know. I am so jazzed. Oregon here I come.

Yay!!  We'll treat you to dinner Thursday night!

back from the wedding.  Char and Tom are just stupidly happy in love, it's amazing -- nay, dumbfounding -- to be with them. i suspect Larry is already posting pics from the wedding and reception....

Thalia, when you experience Richard and Sharon, you'll have that same sense -- it's a good thing these two people found one another because they were clearly meant to be.  i'm glad you'll get to go to Oregon, and i'm tickled that you'll get to meet them.  last year, it sounded as tho' Star was pretty ill, but she's still up for your visit this year, and that's a very good thing!

and Richard, their story is very much the same as yours, they knew it from the first meeting.

yeah, i want that kind of love, even tho' i know i can still enjoy life without it.

Me too Lynn

And Richard, think it will be late flight,  let me check it out, am going to make reservations tonight or tomorrow, will know more then...if not dinner Thursday, then perhaps breakfast on Friday ?  am getting so excited and have something to look forward to now, and yes lynn, Star keeps bouncing back  LOL...I think that I perk her up for the year  LOL, she just keeps waiting for my visit year to year  hahahahahahaa

Oh yeah....I got my hair chopped and I love it....my ex friend STeve does not like short hair...so seems I need him to take the plunge...LOL

you can't be that close and not meet Richard and Sharon somehow, i sure hope it works out!  or just breakfast w/ Richard, i mean, he's worth meeting all for himself, but Sharon is cool, too, and seeing them together is a treat.

i'm glad Star is doing okay!

Awww Lynn!   ((((HUG))))




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