TBD on Ning

it looks like we're winding down, and nobody bothered to open a discussion today, so i thought i'd just set up a thread for this month, and let whoever wanders in, whenever, post to it.  if our moderator wants to do something differently, you'll doubtless hear about it.

after realizing that i didn't need to move to MI, i'm going to Staunton, VA, the last week of this month, and thinking to plant myself there for the rest of my life.  no other roots yet, other than that's the home of the state's premier mental institution, altho' i've never (yet) been there.

the remnants of Independence Day week must be going slowly, since nobody's been here.  

yeah, i don't want to sign off tbd completely, but i realize that facecrack is taking over and all the follow-ons to TBD are slowly fading into oblivion.  still, i'm grateful for the people that Robyn's creation let me connect with, and i am glad to have that facecrack thingee so i don't lose track of my online friends completely.  

if nobody else starts in August, we can just sign off.  i'll be on the road that month.

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Replies to This Discussion

I'm sitting here waiting for the storm to move along so I can take Happy out to do his morning thing. However since I am back in the work world I may have to takehim out in the rain. Then the RV will have wet dog aroma all day.

Hope everyone else is awake and well this morning. Pittsburgh is getting closer.

Morning Robbie, I am up and moving...... barely.  I woke up to pouring rain this morning.  Well so much for summer.  At least it keeps the pollen and dust down for a while.


Everybody have a terrific Tuesday!
Eureka works for me RT.  So does Lake Shasta although the last time I was there (camping in August) it rained the whole weekend.  Not sure about Mennen though.  Maybe I'll need it in Eureka.  =)

Morning all.....oh RT..I still don't have that bathroom all figured out. We are talking about using something other than a 'vanity', we are trying to make a powder room out of an odd sized space..may us pocket doors to make the space more functional. 

Thanks for the good vibes yesterday..it worked. The new board of directors for Russell Community Theater are the slate that I was hoping for. Yes I am one of them...but we are ready to hit the ground running and get things back on track. 

Dad's eye has healed on his own so no more trips to Wichita..too bad...we hit the huge liquor store and loaded up on wooden wine crates for him to use in his woodworking. We also found some good wines and beers to haul home. 

RT we wanna see pictures of that cake.

hello, all!  internet was out here all yesterday afternoon/evening.  funny how we depend on that now.

so i had a dozen work issues to deal with etc, am now officially fried!

RRC, glad your board slate got chosen!  yay!

realteal and Richard, something tells me that you two brainstorming together could get out of hand quickly!

Robbie, i hope you don't/didn't have to return to wetDogRV!

LOL  Lynn could it be the content for a book called "Creative Minds Go Astray"?

haha, Richard. lynn, we'll all be climbing Shasta before we know it, deodorant or no.

Ah, Robbie, wet dog smell; very distinctive and universal.



I'm off! Well, I admit some people think I've always been a little off. But, I'm talking about work. I slept in until 6:30 this morning. It's now 8:50 and I still haven't done anything but walk Happy, eat breakfast and play on the computer. Life is good.
Except for the soggy cereal, Robbie, I'd say your life IS good.  LOL

I'm tired....made a flying trip to pick up some honey for a special order. 2 hours each way...along with a little shopping and supper meant we didn't get home until midnight. Then the buzz saw sleeping next to me woke me up...way too often. 

Not so hot today...only 99. LOL 
Have fun all, enjoy hump day [Richard] and sleeping late and being lazy..[Robbie]

I'll put on another pot of coffee for the latecomers...




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