TBD on Ning

it looks like we're winding down, and nobody bothered to open a discussion today, so i thought i'd just set up a thread for this month, and let whoever wanders in, whenever, post to it.  if our moderator wants to do something differently, you'll doubtless hear about it.

after realizing that i didn't need to move to MI, i'm going to Staunton, VA, the last week of this month, and thinking to plant myself there for the rest of my life.  no other roots yet, other than that's the home of the state's premier mental institution, altho' i've never (yet) been there.

the remnants of Independence Day week must be going slowly, since nobody's been here.  

yeah, i don't want to sign off tbd completely, but i realize that facecrack is taking over and all the follow-ons to TBD are slowly fading into oblivion.  still, i'm grateful for the people that Robyn's creation let me connect with, and i am glad to have that facecrack thingee so i don't lose track of my online friends completely.  

if nobody else starts in August, we can just sign off.  i'll be on the road that month.

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Replies to This Discussion

RRC I hope you have found some coolness by now.  You too Marty.  It's a blistering (or cool to you guys) 84 degrees right now.  Love it!!!!!!!
Good idea  RRC!  Still not too late, Marty!

It was cold at the beach last night in Florence Oregon.  It is hotter than billy be blixed in Sparks Nevada.  My first stop on my way home.  A good drive today, and now am clean and resting, getting ready to do a little gamling this evening.

Have a day filled with love and laughter

Thally that's what I call an extreme temperature change.  Sparks can't be anywhere close to cool this time of year at any time of the day.  I hope you will be having a day filled with love and laughter tomorrow all the way to your bank to deposit your winnings.  LOL
I'm up. 8 hours to go. It' susposed to stay in the mid 90s today. A really cooling trend. Maybe the polar bears will show up.

Robbie, I spotted a polar bear in the vicinity of sparks, nevada, i sent him your way

Richard, am going to have to rob a bank....to put money in my bank, lol, but sure had fun and had a great meal...coming back to the motel, the temp in my car registered 92,  yikes..

Marty, stay cool, inside with the ac, remember those hot days in kc...

Have decided to make a short trip today, going to stop somewhere halfway between sparks and home, perhaps a place with a pool

for all else who wander in here today, have a day filled with love and laughter

Afternoon all.....

We have a cool front too, it is almost tolerable outside, but I am not taking any chances, I'll stay indoors. 

Nothing exciting right now, no bears or anything.

I get to go pick up pickets so we can finish the fence, how it that for thrilling.

Good afternoon all!!!! Geesh!!! I haven't been here for awhile and just thought I'd poke my head in and yell HEY!!!!


Hope everyone's doing well... Still beautiful in Ohio... Sunny and warm... Love you guys!!!

Hey KC nice to see you stopped in.  We have missed you and your hubby here.  Come back often.

KItty! Surprise, surprise. How are you and Lar?

Everyone else! How are you? Richard, Marty, RRC, Robbie, Cat, thally. 

Hotter here now so I guess you're still the coolest one here, Richard.

thally, all the great memories you have now. Glad it's been a good one.

RRC, fencing is exciting when you need to keep something or someone out. In our case it was two big dogs T-boy thought he could take. Right, fling yourself at them you six pound beast...

Not much to report except looking for work, or at least going through the motions today.....hehe

Ummmm mid 80s today RT.  Is that cooler?  LOL

Good morning!  Am I the first one up?  Does that mean I have to make coffee?    


Oh, a nice day here in 'burgh.  70 at 7 am, a little foggy, but looking forward to a bright and sunny day!

I got my kitchen put back together last night. . . today, I need to clean and start getting ready for company on Thursday - Debbie Abell. . . woo hoo!  Can't wait!  Lots of giggles and chatting, I'm sure.


Richard, is it still raining out there?

Crystal, did you pack yet?  Casual . . very casual. 





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