TBD on Ning

it looks like we're winding down, and nobody bothered to open a discussion today, so i thought i'd just set up a thread for this month, and let whoever wanders in, whenever, post to it.  if our moderator wants to do something differently, you'll doubtless hear about it.

after realizing that i didn't need to move to MI, i'm going to Staunton, VA, the last week of this month, and thinking to plant myself there for the rest of my life.  no other roots yet, other than that's the home of the state's premier mental institution, altho' i've never (yet) been there.

the remnants of Independence Day week must be going slowly, since nobody's been here.  

yeah, i don't want to sign off tbd completely, but i realize that facecrack is taking over and all the follow-ons to TBD are slowly fading into oblivion.  still, i'm grateful for the people that Robyn's creation let me connect with, and i am glad to have that facecrack thingee so i don't lose track of my online friends completely.  

if nobody else starts in August, we can just sign off.  i'll be on the road that month.

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Hey, you aren't the only one dragging!  I've been up for hours.  Waiting on the workmen to get here for the kitchen and bathroom. . .


Robbie, don't forget to check in the Moosie's Facebook group every once in awhile.  

Do you come in Thursday or Friday?  I'll be off on Friday and Monday.  Are you renting a car?  Yes.  I think we're ready.  Except for some last minute food shopping, things are looking good.  I can't believe it's been a year since we started planning this and it's just ten days away.  Wow.  Can't wait to see you!  I took a day off from work today, so I'll probably start organizing some of this stuff today. 

Morning all.....

I did some of my chores last night so I could sleep late....I thought that wasn't going to happen when the dogs wanted out at 6 am but I fell back to sleep and it was after 8 before I woke up!! That is a shocker. I get to pick up my wedding ring today and then heading to visit my folks. I haven't been there for a month and this is the last chance until after the big meet. 
Getting excited to get on the road to attend the meet.....I made all my reservations for the trip out but haven't even thought about the trip home.

Love the video of you Cat....I am betting Larry will be ornery the entire trip. 

ORNERY?  That's a nice way to put it!  


RRC, I just drove 12 hours to the beach. . . take your music, your GPS and you're good to go!  Keep the power on your cell phone because Larry can call and torment you along the way!

Good morning, I have been up since 4:00.  Not the best of nights so I see a nap in my near future.  Had a mini-thunder storm with a tiny bit of rain an hour ago.  It barely got anything wet but it looks likes there may be more rain today and tomorrow.


The love of my life leaves for Niagara Falls in the morning for a business conference.  So the dogs and I will have the place to ourselves for a few days.


I am excited for those of you who will be in PA soon.  I expect Larry will be making vids of any embarrassing moments.  I want to see everyone there wearing the t-shirts to support First Response and show off Thally's artwork.

I have been on my own since the 16th....I hate to say I have really enjoyed it. I have been so busy that when I get home in the evening I don't have to worry about talking to anyone. Until hubby calls me.
I think it is important for couples to have their own space to do or not to do whatever for a break in their routine.
Richard, I will get those t-shirts out in the mail as soon as things calm down around here.  Quite frankly, with all this mess (as you can see on the video) they're buried under something.
What video? Are you guys going to drag me kicking and screaming onto facebook? I spend to much time on the computer as is.

He also posted it here in Moosie's group, under the group meet thread I started today.


Ahhhhh don't worry about it Cat.  Just so I get them before I am too fat to fit.  LOL
rhb, that's a deal and a promise on my part!
{{{{Marty}}}} I sure hope it gets better for ya.




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