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Happy 2015!!!! Did you remember to "RABBIT, RABBIT, RABBIT?"

I'm starting the new year with a debut novel by Martha Woodroof, SMALL BLESSINGS. This is a beautifully written book that will elicit laughs and tears. This heart warming story takes place in a small Virginia college town with a cast of charmingly imperfect characters.

Hope you, too, have time now to curl up with a good read.

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Continuing with an eclectic combo of themes, I am finishing a cute little story placed in Singapore, "Soy Sauce for Beginners" by Kirstin Chen that will greatly enhance your knowledge of the making of soy sauce, as a young American born, Asian woman returns to her homeland, reeling from a recent divorce, and takes the reigns of the family soy sauce factory.  Lots of fun in this read, as the culture clash of Asia and America becomes part of the story.  The next book in line is "The Maze Runner" by James Dashner that is now a major motion picture of a new world where the young people are put to a test in surviving the maze. Sounds like the Hunger Games adapted to a new environment. 

Just finished Hounded by David Rosenfelt. It took me a little longer to get into it than most of his books but enjoyed it nevertheless. Now I am starting Tag Man, a Joe Gunther novel by Archer Mayor.

Probably like you, I expected more canine involvement in HOUNDED. Not his best, but relaxing read. Right now am watching more football than reading. Our COWBOYS played well. Tonight we have the BUCKEYES and the DUCKS playing just up the street. Arlington is buzzing!!!!!

Just finished The Kill Artist by Daniel Silva.  I enjoyed it but I hope all of the Gabriel Allon series is not about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. It seemed like there were no good guys in that book. I'm ready for a change of pace.

Went by the library this PM to pick up 2 I had on order and when walking out my eye caught on a new Gregg Hurwitz novel, Don't Look Back.  So I went back and checked it out also.  I had opened The Unlikely Spy but think I will put that on hold while I read this one since it is a 7 day book...  and NOT a spy novel.

PS: I liked Hounded a lot!  Even tho it wasn't as doggy as I would have liked. One of the best I have read in a lean year... good ending!

Yikes! Just a little into Tag Man and I realized I had read it before. Tomorrow I will need to pick up a couple new ones. Tomorrow is my afternoon at the library.

I just finished Criminal by Karin Slaughter - good read, kept me turning pages when I was able to get to read.  I am reading a short book about Mecca now- the history is something I was curious about. Loruach I have had that happen too many times - start reading and so familiar. LOL  Cold here and some wind making it colder.  Saw a Snoopy cartoon yesterday that said "I am not going outside until the temp reaches my age"  - have to agree on that one.  Rapa - GO BUCKS - my hubby watched and I went to bed.  My age tells me to. LOL.

David Baldacci's THE ESCAPE is what I am listening to right now. His stuff is fairly predictable but I did have to laugh at one discription of a 1950's motel where the A/C unit basically spew forth humidity which land on sheets making them nice and damp! Lol

Finished 3 JA JANCE starring The Inspector Beau. That will be the end of that Author for me. Fun, at times, but very over the top multiple characters which made no sense.

Did read in hardback 2 Readers Digest Condensed books. Both were good but glad they were shortened dramas. Older stuff...like 2000
HAWKE's COVE by Susan Wilson
THE COLOR OF HOPE by Susan Madison

Both pretty much "Chick Lit" which isn't my liking...but I am desperate and they were engaging. Both took place in New England/Maine...which is a geography that I like.

Leave the light on for me...hopefully have something great to report in January?~Carolyn

In my book clubs we are reading "the Pearl that Broke its Shell and The Songs Of Willow Frost.

A group from one of my book clubs went to see Wild on Tues, then to lunch to talk about it. It followed the book pretty much.If anyone goes to see it  Cheryl Stray is the lady driving the pick-up.

Just finished The Heist by Daniel Silva. Well written and I enjoyed it. I haven't read Silva in a couple of years, I think I'll read another Silva novel soon.

Eagle...WILD was one of my favorite books in past 15 months!!! I mean I satyed awake and paid attention to every dang word and the guidance of survival in the Mountains!!! I want to see the film for sure!

My 3 favorite books recently:

MR. MERCEDES by Stephen KIng
GOLDFINCH...Cant remember Author name at the moment ...Tana French?
WILD - Cheryl Strayen sp.

Can't say anything has matched those. Looking forward to Adrian McKinty's ...Woo Hoo, I'm excited!

I loved Wild also.  Saw the movie and thought the Reese Witherspoon role was well played.  She was a bit older that the writer in the story but did a good job with the part.  It seems that most Hollywood female stars like to go "native" in a quest for the Academy Award.  Jeniffer Aniston is also in a movie where she shuns the makeup.  Mr. Mercedes was King back to his old self, without all the crazy stuff.  And, of course, I loved The Goldfinch so much I purchased the painting.  I'm in the middle of "The Maze" right now, which has a lot of similarity to "The Hunger Games." 

Sorry, GOLDFINCH author is Donna Tartt...just sitting in Buick service dept. And picked up Magazine that listed book Kindle most downloaded # 4




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