TBD on Ning

It's that time of year.....

Time for commitment...time for advancement...time for changes.

If you are inclined....

Share your times of "crossing the bridge".

Post an image of you..."back in the day".  

Getting married or graduating, or even becoming a parent.


Forever and ever









Match made in heaven...








I will rule the world...or at least look good trying.

Tags: for better or worst, hi-jack fursure, rocking the cradle, shoot the moon

Views: 13

Replies to This Discussion

Whatta little hot rodder!  Did you ever get one as a grown-up?    My dd has yet to forgive me for buying her a power wheel.
That doesnt look like you Funes.....you look Spanish...oops maybe you are Spanish...
You're lucky my Sicilian dad and Gaetan mom didn't hear you say that!
Oh...I know a little about it.....Hee Hee

OMG, you 2 are both adorable!!


My first car:



I could just eat you with a spoon!

Cutz....double cutz

That's quite a ride!!!

Speakin' of which.....never mind...........

My Cousin Phyliss and I.

I must have been 5 or 6 and she is a couple years younger.

I'll have to look and se what else I have.

I have more front teeth! LOL
Ohmygoodness.....little darlings, but there is some mischief in the eyes of the one on the right.....taking a second look, the one on the left too.




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