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I have mixed feelings about Fall.  The colors can be breath taking but the weather that brings the colors is not at all my favorite.

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i DID some fun stuff, indeed.  ok, the eye doc was ok, no referral, just pick somebody; she gave me a copy of her exam sheet to give the next doc, at least, and recommended if there are any complications, that i call UVA and go there.  then i picked up mail from the condo.

but it was the drive back that was spectacular!  i had all afternoon, so i decided to get off the interstate and go south on US 340, on the east side of the Shenandoah Valley.  it took twice as long, lots of small towns and stretches of low speed limits, but the countryside was lovely and part of the road runs alongside the Shenandoah River, and then the South Fork of that river.  all in all, an afternoon well spent -- a mini-road trip!  lots of music, "processing" thoughts and feelings, and i feel satisfied that the day was worthwhile!

Sounds like a great drive Lynn, times like that really restore the soul. 

I am heading to the 'beauty parlor' lol today. Gotta get some hair clipped, I am getting a little shaggy. 

Looking for rain today, and a trip to the pumpkin patch...wonder which one will get here first? 


hope you were able to get that pumpkin, Crystal!  

am assuming the hair trim was priority, the pumpkin will wait another day or two?  

sounds like it's gonna' get COLD here this weekend; really not looking forward to that part.  at least it'll be sunny, i'll gratefully take that!

Good day!  We had a light frost last night and expecting the same tonight.  I am as bah humbug about Halloween as I am about Christmas.

hi, Richard!  you beat us, with the frost.  :-(

Hallowe'en isn't a holiday i celebrate, either, but my son makes a big deal out of Samhain, so i don't get to ignore it completely. Thanksgiving has more often been the big "family" time, and this year, while i DO celebrate Christmas, i'm wondering if this one will be another that i celebrate alone.  not all bad, a few of my best christmases have been solitary, but i'm starting to wonder what being this far from kids (and having no other "family") will mean.  might be time for another road trip....


After many years of bad family Christmases Sharon and I have a simple quiet Christmas.  You are always welcome to come here to Oregon.  :)
thank you, Richard.  that's a bit longer than i'd like to be away, but I'm thankful that you made the offer!  hugs to you and Sharon, too -- reckon you'll have to deliver 'em to each other, oh, darn....

Thursday morning, and the national weather map has turned mostly blue instead of gold and red.  brrrr.  i know, there ARE people who are fans of winter, but i'm sure not one of them....  trees beginning to look undressed as leaves begin to drop here, but the colors are still pretty, for another few days, at least!


Good morning Lynn and RRC, yup winter seems to be lurking just around the corner.  Have a good Thursday!

It is a little chilly around here...but that is fine with me, after the summer we had I will soak up every part of the cool. 

Trying to find the football game online. I couldn't make it to the game and they are supposed to stream it but looks like I am going to have to try and catch a replay. Wouldn't want to miss Kiefer's 2 minutes of playing time. I am getting a little frustrated that they cancelled several of the JV games so the younger boys aren't getting any play time so they can gain some experience. 

Oh well...guess I will listen on the radio and work on my Halloween costume.


i saw you didn't get to the game, on FB, came here to post a longer response....  i'm just glad you didn't drive like a bat out of hell to get there, and end up injured.  i trust Kiefer is patient with his parents....  but it's exciting to watch our kids, i know.

the weatherman is predicting snow on saturday morning, altho' 40s by saturday afternoon.  it's too soon, arrrggggghhhhhhhh

here it is, Friday all over again.  i can see the mountains now; earlier this morning it was too hazy to see their outline!  and yeah, it got cold overnight, still in the 30s here!  brrrr!  that has hasten the tree-color-turning dramatically!  tere's a noticeable difference, just since yesterday!

social security has managed to screw up my numbers, once again.  a misplaced decimal has resulted in my "earnings estimate" for this year to be only 10% of reality and so they sent me a chunk of change, which i'm sure they'll now want back.  it's endless....  i'm glad to have that little supplement, but it's nearly more trouble than it's worth.  since most of my career was government, it's not such a huge amount, but still worth doing.




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