TBD on Ning

I have mixed feelings about Fall.  The colors can be breath taking but the weather that brings the colors is not at all my favorite.

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Wow, I haven't been here in awhile. . . lots happening.  Robbie, good luck.  Like Lynn says, I hope you have a good lawyer.  

Larry, thanks for the pics.  Must be beautiful there this time of year.


To be honest, I was checking in to see if there's anymore news of Carm. . .  love and prayers to all involved.


Cat, I think what I need is a good legal secretary. (:>)
Come back here you!!!  :)

how nice to see substantial traffic here, this afternoon!

Kittycat, thx for pics of how the tornado took down those towers -- that's a phenomenal pic!  glad you guys had a good time!

and yes, i didn't say anything, but it was nice to have Quinn stop by too -- not sure we've ever met, but welcome here!

Good morning on the West coast and good afternoon on the east coast.  I have lots to do today.  We are meeting friends for dinner, vegan style, tonight.

vegan?  that's a tough one. hope it turned out okay, Richard!

yeah, i'm 'way late getting here, not sure how the day got away from me, but sometimes they do, and i just give in to it....

This whole week has flown by for me.  Dinner was good!  I had portobello mushroom and pesto pizza.
yummm!  friday will be here in a few minutes, for me!  more then....
TGIF everyone!

Is it a good friday?

It's raining here.

Well Robbie there must be a few exceptions.  LOL  It's been raining on and off here too.

no rain here -- got all that out of the way, yesterday.  my swim got cut short by a thunderstorm, and yesterday morning's fog must've set some records, it was afternoon before i could see 50 yards out my window!

Robbie, you must be back in WVA?

the local paper publishes a national weather map, in color, and it pleases me immensely to look at that US map and think about where all my real-life and online friends are, spread across the nation, and to see what their weather looks like for the day.  it's a GREAT way to feel connected and supported, while i'm drinking my morning coffee!  (and i don't eat cold cereal, neither soggy nor crispy, never learned to like the stuff -- my breakfast is most likely 2 tortillas w/ cheese in the middle, melted in the microwave!  grandkids call it a cheese burrito; for me, it's just breakfast!)




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