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I have mixed feelings about Fall.  The colors can be breath taking but the weather that brings the colors is not at all my favorite.

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Yep they are done too.  I'll post a before and after photo when it is finally finished.

The wind continues to blow today....it hasn't let up for over 48 hours, gusts over 40 mph.... Gonna be a bitch watching the football game tonight. 


LL  Gonna be a bitch passing the football in 40mph wind too.  (unless thrown down wind)  I hope it calms down real soon.

wow, must be some kind of weather system in the middle of the country!  Cowboy in NE wyoming said the truck was rocking last nite, and it's still going, says RRC!  wow!  that's a LOT of territory for high winds.  

yeah, it'll interfere w/ the passes, for sure, but chilly too.... 


NASCAR is in Kansas this weekend and they were commenting on how the wind is making the cars go crazy.
oh, yeah, that'll play havoc w/ the track.  yowza!

it's Saturday, starting the 2nd week in October already.  i remember 'way back when, a day was my unit of time, then about 10-12 years ago, i realized that my time flowed in weeks, but yikes, now that i'm retired, the patterns of my life seem to flow in months.  

sure, it's just perception, but i'm concerned that i'm missing things along the way, even tho' i am truly grateful that my time does keep flowing at all!

What a relaxing day!  Makes me feel a wee bit guilty for not getting anything done.
hope you can let go of that guilt and just enjoy it, Richard!
Well after the NASCAR race and talking to my brother on the phone I got started filling nail holes and pulling off siding to be replaced.  As I took off the siding I discovered knob and tube wiring that I must replace.  I hope doing that will stop the snowball.  LOL

???  pulling off SIDING?

and wtf is "knob and tube wiring" -- you speak some foreign language! 

neverthelessandnotwithstanding, it sure SOUNDS ominous....

Oh Lynn you are much too young to know about knob and tube wiring.  LOL  I have to take a picture of it in the light of day.  It is weird stuff.  Tomorrow's task is to buy some new wire to replace the k & t stuff then get to it so I can replace the old siding I took off today.





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