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I have mixed feelings about Fall.  The colors can be breath taking but the weather that brings the colors is not at all my favorite.

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ok, so we made it to hump day.  so far, so good!

Richard, what's up with your door?  did it really get done?

RRC, is your computer back to running?  

where's Robbie?  oh, yeah, he's up there on the mountain -- time to come down and check in, yoo hoooooooooo!

Yup Lynn the door got installed.  I have spent the day making a big mess while cutting the wood and nailing up the trim on the outside of the door.  The outside trim is about 90% done.  The inside is a different story.  Wallpaper removal yada yada yada.......


Okay I am exhausted but have a doc appt. downtown then it will be rum & coke time!!!  :)

progress.  and the inside trim will wait 'til tomorrow.

enjoy your evening, Richard!

Ackkk!  Sharon and I watched a couple episodes of "Fringe" and I forgot it was rum and coke night.  The popcorn was good though.  LOL  I'll try it again tomorrow night.
if you didn't need it, why bother?  sounds plenty cozy, the way it was!
It was cozy alright.  She was beading while I made places for the mutts.  LOL

Here I am...just landed at home and trying to reset all the goodies on my computer. I know they fixed it and she is running fast and furious but I have to reset all the things I like and all my saved passwords are gone so I have to try and remember all those. But boy am I happy to be back up and running.

Gotta go and make sure my little football player is doing his homework. Grades come first...

Good to see you all!! 

glad you made it back.  i have a 2 page printout of passwords, saved in an excel file, so if you didn't have them captured somewhere, yes, it's gonna' be a PITB to recover them.  with luck, they were all in the same email addy -- mine are scattered over about 5 emails, and a few vanished when i retired and lost that email!

still, i'm glad she's working well again!

Good morning Thursday fans!  May your day be productive and pass swiftly so tomorrow comes as a welcome prelude to the weekend.

who's a fan of Thursday?  well, ok, it definitely beats mondays, what can i say....

i am definitely not liking these cold nites, down to 40, even tho' it's up above 70 in the late afternoons, it takes all day to get there.  sigh....

That kind of weather day just doesn't happen here much.  We are in the 50s low and 60s high phase.  It won't be long before the 50s will be the high.  We had to turn on the furnace last night.  63 was too cold to be sitting around.  I anticipated we would be soon.  So yesterday I vacuumed the duct at the registers and the furnace filter.  It's cozy now.

and you're done with the sidelights to the front door, sounds like.  hooray!




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