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Who's an incredibly interesting person that alot of people haven't heard of?

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Any junior high (or middle) school teacher.

Yasiel Puig

Right fielder for the Dodgers. Defected from Cuba. Quite a stud.

Oh by the way, as I posted this he just hit a home run!!! Incredible!!

When I was sight-seeing in Old Richmond last January, we were leaving the church where Robert E. Lee attended, and were going to circle around to our car, when a man called to us from the tiny Catholic Church across the street. He asked us if we'd seen Lee's church.....and we said yes. He said, "Well, then, you have to come see my church, too!"  So we somewhat reluctantly crossed the street to visit the old church. It turns out, he was the priest, "Father Bob". He runs the oldest Catholic church in Richmond; it was there during the Civil War.  He runs it all by himself, with the exception of a part-time lady who comes in to take care of office duties and do the books.  If the church needs cleaning, he does it. If the toilet backs up....he fixes it.  If the floor is sagging, he fixes it.  And every Wednesday evening.....he feeds the homeless and needy.......in the basement of the church.....with just a little help from a few of the ladies of the church.  No one is turned away.  He's a wonderful little man.....50-something, balding, slim, cheerful, and virtually teeming with energy.  I would love to write a story about him.  He's a real-life hero. 

that guy on the Dos Eqqis beer commercial.

The only thing I don't like about those commercials is him saying "Stay Thirsty my Friends." To me saying stay thirsty means don't drink the camel's piss beer!

OMG I've met some incredibly interesting people, one of my husbands instructors in college was dropped into the mountains in China during WWII, he spent 2 years walking his way out and had so many interesting stories about that time.

I have a friend I've know for 38 years who is an engineer, an attorney, a pilot, a ham radio expert, owns a few corporations is a wonderful nature photographer, I know I'm forgetting some things, he is always interesting. I dated him for 8 years. 

My Uncle Gene was in the Bataan Death March. He was a tough Nebraska farmer. I could write a book about my grandmother. She was a Marine small arms quality control expert from WW-II through Viet Nam. You would not believe the things she did and the prominent people, including six presidents, she knew.

You should write a book about her, Johnnie!  I'd read it....that's for sure. 

Many people have said that. She was a women's libber before there was such a thing. Could cuss like a sailor and actually wore Army boots! Most of the things she did people would not believe.

I gotta say,you folks are pretty interesting.




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