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What do you miss about being a kid?

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The band, the soccer team, the tennis team, Saturday night dances, Boy Scouts ....

Playing my trumpet in the band in high school.  I loved that and had so much fun. 

A friend I knew in high school asked me if I could figure out why life seemed so much better back then.  I'm still pondering that one. 

Oh, that's easy.........the beach!  I spent every free minute I had on Milwaukee's Lake Michigan shore.  We played volleyball in the sand....buried corn and potatoes and meat in the sand and baked them all day while we played, and then dug them up to eat.  I don't know how my dad did it....but it was great.  I was as brown as an acorn back in those days....with my hair streaked from the sun.  Even after I grew up, I had a singles apartment only a couple of blocks away, and I'd take long walks along the shore in the evenings.....even when it got cold.  I miss that. 

yea,cool   :)

I would love to live somewhere close to the water.  There's a seniors apartment complex I've looked into nearby here in Havre de Grace and it's right on the water.  I'd love to live there, but I'm just not ready to be the "kid" in a seniors complex. 

I live near the Jersey shore, that's a main reason i never left here

Being near the beach is something I would love to do.  I just find the water so calming, but I also prefer having someone to be with as I walk along the beach.

Oh, I like being alone out there.  I've done it a lot.  I go to the water to heal my soul.  There are times when I love to take someone special, or explore with the kids.....but I really like to just walk a lonely stretch of beach all by myself.  It's good for my spirit.  I think.....I meditate.....I pray.  And the only sound I want to hear is the sound of the seagulls crying and the waves rolling on shore.  Splendid!

no better place for meditation

i'm back,they let me out a little early




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