TBD on Ning

Well folks, here is my definition of what is `HOT' these days...

"Who is he ?"  I can hear you ask;

sorry, but for the time being I'm a keepin' him all to myself !

(I may let you know a little later:>)

So, anyone out there want to `share' who they think is `HOT' or `NOT' ?

Both males and females included, and meanwhile,

I'll go back to my gazing and sighing...

Tags: Adventurous, Amorous, Attraction, Secrets, Sexy.

Views: 2026

Replies to This Discussion

Yeah, I reckon, coz alluva sudden, Rover might just encounter

a sudden warm gust of wind the same time as his super sensitive nose

gets a whiff.....lol!

Ozzie, that's a good one!

Hellooo Helen, ha, it's a little norti of me, but I'm like that.

Hi everyone, and if I have disappointed because of my absence,

I can only say I'm sorry, but as I have a look around here,

the Fort has been held very well, thank you to those who

have kept the interest up.

My world has changed so much since I have had both my eyes done now,

and I am `getting a life' as the expression goes, I swear the weeks are

speeding past that fast - time is a strange thing indeed.

So, I hope to be able to do my share again soon.

Today I am running around having a tidy up (it needs it),

and go get some supplies in, because tomorrow,

my gorgeous eldest daughter has prized herself

away from family and work,  to whiz up here to my place

and stay just the one night, because.....she is going to

the PINK CONCERT that is being held in Brisbane close

by to where I live !!!!

Now, I reckon that RED is `HOT'  but PINK is SIZZZZZLING HOT !!!!

Pink bounces into action at her Melbourne show earlier this month.

I have her FUNHOUSE TOUR DVD from a few years back over here in Ozz

and every single song she sings is AWSUM !! ya just can's sit still, lol.

I hope all is well with everyone and I am going to go back through the

Posts soon to see what I have missed out on,

thanks for putting up with me.

I love this vid of Pink stopping her show because there was a little girl crying.  Pink seems like a hardass rocker who is going to start a fight tonight, but she's also a caring mother.

Thanks for that Robert, as I have not seen that one,

PINK seems to be one hec of an amazing person,

I feel she is a genuine, down-to-earth lady who

has learned much from life's experiences,

and that little girl in the audience will always

remember PINK and that special night.




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