put them in the dog house, bethD said she would wash the dishes, she likes to do that,it gets her hands clean after painting.
Bobby Flay was ready to cook, then Rachel Ray showed up and they started
having a cooking contest that was timed.
Everyone was placing bets on who would win.
The food was judged on appearance, taste and originality the judges were..........
kept wagging his tail and giving her kisses.
BethD was flirting w/ Bobby Flay hoping he would commission her to paint a picture of his racehorse.
D'sGirl though that was a good idea and...
hinted to Beth that maybe since she was infatuated with Bobby Flay, that she should just paint him naked. Well, d'sg, meant she should paint a picture of Bobby naked, but Beth though she meant she shoulld paint Bobby's naked body. Well, no one was suprised when...
Bobby Flay walked in naked painted to look like a horse and BethD also crafted
wigs for a tail and mane, & crafted gloves and shoes shaped like horse shoes on him.
Bobby was cool with it as he had been hitting the cooking sherry.
WEll everyone applauded and said send him to Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade
to prance with all the TBD'ers following and afterwards we will.....
all sit down to a Thanksgiving feast where we will all share what we are thankful for. TBubD wanted to be first by saying that he was most thankful for the wonderful friends that play with him on TBD. Well, that's what we think he said. It was hard to understand him with that drumstick in his mouth and...
BethD said, "don't eat cooked bones they will splinter, I will make you a bone-free bowl of food", TeeBubbadee dropped the drumstick and wagged his tail.
Meanwhile Mrs.Pennypacker was sneaking pussy footing around the kitchen counter
and got into the...
sweet potato pie with the graham cracker crust Westerly had brought. "Oh, dear," shrieked Wersterly, clutching at her chest. "Can someone offer me a little shot of...
tequila. Yes, we know tequila is not a really traditional drink on Thanksgiving, but knowing Westerly's proclivity too overindulge during the holidays, we also knew that she would...