TBD on Ning

Not sure what happened to #1 but no matter.

Please finish this partial sentence and then begin a new thread with your original teaser.

TBD seems especially

Tags: #2, Finish, Game, Sentence, the

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it fired off, and he got up and hot and they did..
the tango around the room, as if they'd been....
been dancing together forever. But then Ducatiman's girl tripped over Nickleback, and fell...
backwards over him onto the floor. ALL the dogs came running over while he was down on the floor & began licking his face until he was laughing so hard he....
peed his pants.
Mrs.Pennypacker shook her head in disgust, hissed at him for not being litter box or house trained and went out the door and scratched up his motorcyle seat. Nickelback and the dogs went and lifted their legs on Ducatiman's ....
fire hydrent, while shaking their heads trying to figure out how Mrs. Pennypacker survived the garbage disposal incident. They decided that it must be the ghost of Mrs. Pennypacker, so they knew they needed to...
chase her ghost into the wild blue yonder. They decided to make a game of it by....
digging a hole, they were thinking they could catch her diggin' under the fence,
but Mrs.Pennypacker climbed up at tree, and leaped branch to branch to a roof top, she caught a bird and ate it, while the dogs were chasing their tails and drooling , then a dude with McDonalds take out was..
not watching where he was walking. He slipped on drog drool and MickyD's take out went flying everywhere. The dogs wouldn't eat it because they were concerned about their cholesterol, but a gazillion birds swooped down, and that gave Mrs Pennypacker an idea. She decided...
with all the distraction she could sneak in the window and take a nap on the top shelf where her special heated cat bed was and dream of felines taking over the World, the dogs were raising such a ruckus the man from next threw lowfat turkey slices at the dogs to shut them up
when a hungry bum came up the street and......
seeing the Mickey D's, the low-fat turkey & the birds, he shooed the dogs off & feasted until....
he could catch a dog and put him a string and pretend he was blind and it was his seeing eye dog so he could go panhandle to get change for booze but then...




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