TBD on Ning

Not sure what happened to #1 but no matter.

Please finish this partial sentence and then begin a new thread with your original teaser.

TBD seems especially

Tags: #2, Finish, Game, Sentence, the

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that Ducatiman had turned her home into a shrine for the poor dogs that had perished. Ducatiman had even gone so far as to...
replace all the framed cat photos with dog photos! Mrs. Pennypacker was incensed! But before she could....
scratch his eyes out she went and sat on his lap and hocked up a huge hair ball on his....
crankshaft. And that was IT! Ducatiman....
was so surprized to see a hairball on his crankshaft, he didn't know how to react. Fortunately, he knew an expert crankshaft cleaner that just happened to...
be in the next room at the time, so she came & handled it for him.
Then they took Mrs Pennypacker by the name of the neck, put her in a bubble bath, which she hated, and tamed that kitty to the point that she....
..screamed "GET A ROOM, YOU TWO!!!", before she stuffed herself down the garbage disposal, knocking out the electricity for the entire block, requiring...
Nickleback to head to the store to stock up on batteries. But on his way there...
he ran into his pal TeeBubbaDee & they got to talking dog stuff & playing & rough housing like they do & they decided to go chase some cute springer spaniels a couple of farms down. They had the best afternoon as they....
laughed their butts off. But then Nickleback remembered he had to get those batteries. For some reason, Ducatimans girl wanted a bunch of batteries. Nickleback wasn't sure why she needed batteries, but he figured if he didn't get then soon...
he would be in the dog house and not be allowed to it it doggy style with...
the blow up doll that he was so fond of. So that's why he rushed that load of batteries back to Ducatimans girl. That's when he found out she need the batteries to try to jump start Ducatiman. She wired all the batteries together, and then hooked the jumper cables up to his ears. She knew the batteries were working when...




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