TBD on Ning

Not sure what happened to #1 but no matter.

Please finish this partial sentence and then begin a new thread with your original teaser.

TBD seems especially

Tags: #2, Finish, Game, Sentence, the

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watched Mrs. Pennypacker shred the couch. When she was done, she curled up to take a nap and that's when...


 a bunch of TBDer's came over to party, she agreed and meowed in approval.

Everyone had brought alone their pets and the pets concocted a plan to...

start a conga line with Mrs. P in the front. But things got complicated when...
there was too much butt-sniffing going on and the event degenerated into an edgy flirt-fest. Westerly's loopy dog found a soul mate...

and they went on their first date and had a wonderful time. They went to the movies and saw Lady and the Tramp, and then went out and ate at the Bow Wow cafe. But when the night was over, the butt sniffing thing came up again.







So they decided to...

go online & surf the net together...

That's when WLD found out that...

but then they got sidelined on a internet dating sight.



They both ended up with fake profiles. The most outrageous falsehood the listed on their profile was...

that he was a pedigreed Wolfhound, standing 7 feet tall & that he'd sired over 100 akc pups & she was a virgin Poodle.

But everyone knew the pic of the "7 foot" Woolhound was altered. It was taken with a human the stood all of 5" 1', so he really was about 5" 5'. As for the supposedly "virgin" Poodle,it was soon known that she had actually...
been a dance hall  dog, and...
advanced the story of her supposed purity and tender years to enhance her reputation. However Mimi (as she was known), had a heart of...
gold. She was known to give...




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