TBD on Ning

Not sure what happened to #1 but no matter.

Please finish this partial sentence and then begin a new thread with your original teaser.

TBD seems especially

Tags: #2, Finish, Game, Sentence, the

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he asked Beth to give him a bath and groom him as he knew she was an
experienced dog bather and would dress him up nice for a good nap.
He slept it off, had a few dog dreams, got a couple belly rubs
from beth and D's Girl but then the phone rang, Mrs. Pennypacker
was calling and meowing about.....
not getting the same attention ad TBeeD, She felt that since she was the Mistress Of Meows, that...
someone should crown her with a real crown, complete with semi-precious stones. Before she could open her furry jaws, however, there was heard in the distance...
a pack of werewolves. They were approaching fast so...
she put on her Tiara and cape, climbed onto her cat carriage and fled from her castle.

Along the way she ran into D's Girl and gave her a lift to...
the Royal Kitty Castle where everybody...
watched the cooking show on how to make pumpkin pecan cake with cream cheese whipped topping.
Mrs. Pennypacker took a cat nap, teebubbadee chased a ball
and wagged his tail, westerly.....
climbed up on the roof and made like a weathervane. From that vantage point she made out a moving cloud of dust...
she thought she was In Kansas and a tornado was coming.
But it turned out to be...
Robbie & Happy riding up the hill in their RV, after their adventures in...
Hell, Halloween is always tough on Happy, but Robbie seems to...
enjoy the adventure. He & the devil when down to Georgia, they were looking for...




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